Dewlap Toulouse gosling finally


14 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Northern Colorado
I am pretty excited I bid on 4 gosling on eggbid and now have 4 Dewlap's on the way. I really only wanted a couple but what the heck. They were not excatly bargain basement price but claim to be Holderread stock so hoping for some good ones.

Later this fall if I can determine sex at all I will likely sell two of them if I am lucky enough to get two pair.

Any way cant wait to get them I have a perfect spot for them when they are adults.
Hey greathorse. I'm the one you got the goslings from. To the best of my knowledge the parents are from Holderread and 1st generation from Holderreads birds according to who I got the parents from. Of course, like you, I can only go on what I am told without some kind of documentation and I wasn't provided that. They appear to me to be purebred dewlap toulouse (or I would not advertise them as such no matter what I was told). I also wouldn't say that the parents are top of the line show birds with everything perfect. They do produce young better then they are, I had one of the offspring given back to me due to the economy and he is pretty nice. They could be a bit more draggy in the underside area and one of the girls could use a bigger dewlap. They are very comparable with most of what is available out there. Until yesterday I had a plain production toulouse to compare them side by side with.

On the price, I know it's a bit expensive and sympathise, specialty geese just cost more and that is the way it is- I paid more to get the parent birds. If it helps here is some information. Holderread direct started utility grade goslings cost $75 each plus there is shipping costs involved, the breeder quality is $100. The day old goslings which could turn out great or utility (I ordered 4 pair and I got 1 female that was clearly utility due to her feet (in my opinion anyway) and another that is breeder quality at best, the others we're not sure on yet as they havn't matured out enough to tell much- of course it had to be 2 females rather then a male female pair). The day old goslings run $55 each again before shipping. On all ages there is a huge waiting list- over a year for the day olds. If you order today from them you likely won't see any goslings until spring of 2011.

What they cost you is round about the going rate for purebred dewlap toulouse day old goslings if you can find them, they are highly in demand. I would hate if you felt "taken" at all, I do my level best to operate with people fairly and honestly. BUT come fall the babies would be worth at least $75 a piece so you could recover the cost on 3 of them by selling 2.

I am here to answer any questions you have, feel free to ask. Your babies are due to hatch this coming weekend, so as long as we don't have something happen and lose too many, they should be on their way to you by next Tues.

Here are some pics of the parents last year (they have filled out more since then and gotten more draggy on the underside, wider, with bigger dewlaps). Those things on their necks were collars to tell them apart as they kept pulling and chewing off the plastic legbands, while they look like they were too tight they weren't, just sunk into the fluffy feathers, I finally got metal legbands for them that they can't chew off.


Thanks for the information. I was not complaining about the price (well just a little bit) they are expensive little buggers, but I am excited to get them. If I like them as much as I hope to I might see if I can get my hands on some of those exhibition birds from Holderread's I will not show however so is only a vanity issue on my part.

Thanks again I do have a perfect old building that I think will be just right for these geese. I do not have a pond but will get them some kind of water to mess around in.

Thanks again

Oh and I certainly do not feel taken at all. I am a big boy and know how much I paid. You are right they are hard to find. I was whining about the price of them in general LOL.
Hey Windchyme What is that around the lower neck of the first big bird pictured do you have a collar on it? ID or some other reason?
Yes, it was different colored collars. They kept pulling off those plastic spirally bands with the numbers on them or breaking them off. One or two didn't but the rest did so I put different colored collars on them to tell them apart. One of them chewed that off too (booger). They look tight but they're least a finger width of room, they just sink into the fluff really well.

I finally found a metal band I like that they can't mess with so now they are banded again and no more collars thank goodness.

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