Deworming quails?

Lots of sources say you need to worm Quail, but most people who have quail that I’ve spoken to, have never had to worm them. i haven’t seen any signs of worms in mine either. I think it’s something you should do if you see evidence of worms.
That does nothing for worms.
I recently read an interesting article from Canada:

It seems that in breeds of poultry with lower natural resistance to parasites, it is beneficial, but is not in breeds with naturally higher resistance. But both of the test breeds on DE produced more eggs, and they were larger if I remember correctly.

since I have not seen evidence in my own Quail that they are naturally weak against parasites, they seem pretty resilient actually, I would think it is not going to make a difference. I do mix DE into my feed in small amounts because I store it outdoors and even with lids I worry about it getting infested because my land backs swamp. The DE helps keep it dry and bug free, but I only put like 5 teaspoons into 50 lbs of feed.

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