DH played a trick on Jax! LOL


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
My DH has a slight addiction problem - he's addicted to Hersheys kisses. Nearly every evening since we've had Jax, our older GSD, DH will get a handful of kisses out of the candy jar and sit down to eat them; with Jax watching him closely. DH gives Jax the lecture on how dogs can't have chocolate, but that hasn't kept Jax from wanting them.

While grocery shopping last night we found a small package of chocolate (really carob) flavored dog treats, meant for little yippy dogs. According to the ingredients label, they're junk, but since we won't be feeding them regularly, we bought a pack.

Got home and at his usual time DH got out a handful of kisses and settled in his recliner, with Jax watching his every move. This time, instead of giving Jax the lecture, DH pretended to unwrap a kiss and substituted one of these dog treats. He offered it to Jax. Jax was ecstatic and took it quickly. The look Jax got on his face was priceless.

I'll bet those treats didn't taste anything like what his nose has been telling them they would for the last two years.
Last night, I was in the bathroom, with the door closed when DH brought the boys in from outside.

I started making booger noises and DH encouraged them to find the booger. The doorknob to the bathroom turned one way and then the other. Thank goodness they still haven't figured out how to actually open the door yet.
Uhm, I'm gonna regret this.... what does a booger sound like?

And gee........ sounds like a real exciting life ya'll have happening there...................
Uhm, I'm gonna regret this.... what does a booger sound like?

And gee........ sounds like a real exciting life ya'll have happening there...................

You know booger noises - growling, grumbling, banging on things. Gee Ranchy, have you never been visited by a booger before?

Yes our life is soooo exciting. It's almost too much for me to handle.
"Two years, two years I waited. I knew he would give in." Dani our golden is like that. The Princess always gives her a bit of whatever she is eating. I give her nothing, but for 2.5 years hope has sprung eternal on her part.

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