DH tests for Master Sergeant tomorrow..........

Hi......thanks you to all of you.
My husband is Air Force. He works in medical and plans to be a forensic investigator when he gets out (or when he grows up as he puts it.LOL). He is just now going back to school, he has been in 11 years and is starting to see the end looming in the distance. We live apart right now because he is stationed in Colorado and our severely asthmatic youngest son can't tolerate the elevation (so this part of my family lices as civilians, too). Wow, I just realized it will be 3 years in June that we have lived separate. So, I gave him a wake up call this morning (I do that when he has something really important) and wished him luck. Now I will go see if the chicklets are there........I hope so.
He loves them as much as I do and I know having his email stuffed full of baby chickens would make him smile.
So......gonna run.....I have three little boys squealing they NEED babies!!!! LOL Again, thanks for all the well wishes.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for positive results. My DH took the E-7 Test and we got the not-so-wonderful results while our daughter was in the hosp. a couple weeks ago.
Total bummer! Maybe next year! We're Navy and my husband is an AG (weather guesser). They are trying their best to downsize his job... but Sunday was our 15 yr mark...just need to tough it out for five more years!

Have you heard about what they are trying to do with the retirement?

I wish him all the luck in the world. My DH and I were in the Air Force for over 20 yrs (well, he was, but you know about being the wife-you are in, too!) and retired as a Msgt. Hard to deal with the politics of it sometimes. Hope he makes it!
Yeah, we spend several months trying to get out of Colorado when he got his orders. I think Florida would work fine....cold is his #1 trigger and the elevation in Colorado just makes it impossible. The way the Air Force saw it, however, they have plenty of pulmonoligists in Colorado. They have full capapbility to put him in the hospital and keep him alive. His quality of life meant nothing to them, just the ability to keep him breathing....in or out of an oxygen tent. He was born in Alaska.....we almost lost him living there because of the cold. We have spent the past 3 years working on getting back together. Soon.......at the absolute worst, he has one more year at this base. The reason we chose to stay here (instead of some other suitable location) is because all my family is here so I am not completely alone in a strange place with the kids.

Oh, according to him (from a text he sent a bit ago) he is surprised he didn't blow up as bad as he bombed the test. LOL I KNOW better than that. My husband is extremely intelligent and KNOWS his job and the military. He also tends to underestimate how well he does. So, we will just see.
dont ya love the docs. We got lucky with our son, he was preemie had a heart condtion and then RSV. At five years old he is still at the 3-year old stage, but atleast he is doing fine and the heart hs healed itself. Was your husband in front of the board or is he in school?
Is your son on the exeptional family member list?
My husband always gets to pick where he wants to go and we end up within 100miles of it. We want leesburg Fl we get Lake Wales(and later Leesburg) we want Toledo or Cleveland , we get Youngstown...We will be stayin there a few years and hopefully in 5-6 years we are going back to Ft Knox.
Patrick AFB should be awesome for your son, its warm, you have the sea air, close to Orlando(and all the parks and great hospitals)
I remember how frustrated George was when he blew the one test in BNCOC, he skipped one question but didnt skip on the area on the answer sheet, so he had 29 wrong in a row. they let him redo the test the next day.
How many duty stations are you by now? I am on number 6 since we know each other, but my hubby has a few more
We have Schweinfurt, Knox, Lake Wales fl 2x, Leesburg fl and now Y-town.

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