DH's gout??

I take Colchicine for periodic episodes of gout. Seems to work and doesn't bother my stomach like some of the other meds I've taken for it. Like some others, it was $4.00 at Wallyworld (Walmart). Good luck. It's incredibly painful. I lost 3 days out of work before it was diagnosed. Couldn't put my foot on the ground. Even a bedsheet on it hurt.

Google - reportedly very helpful for gout. I began giving them to BJ roo when he was holding his feet up a lot after being cared for for some months (while my mom was gravely ill and I couldn't be around on bird schedules because I was at the hospital) by someone who broke a promise to give him the roo food I supplied - they slacked off and gave him the layer food they were giving their hens. Whether he had a calcium build up to cause the problem I'll likely never know but in any case, he felt enormously better after having several cherries a day for awhile. He's like a new little man today!

k, thanks for all the info. y'all. DH is on a diet, we both our. He's lost about 30 lbs. He's a big man - 6' 4" tall and 285.
Well work on the suggestions here.
We have to grocery shop tomorrow, so I'll put cherries on the list. He's been asleep most of the day, the darvocets lol, and right now I think that's the best thing for him.

I have a friend that is deviled by gout nearly all of his life. He buys cherry pie filling by the case at the grocery store and eats about 1/4 of a can each morning with his breakfast. He swears that it helps him a lot!

Thanks Dick!
I wondered if cooking the cherries would destroy any benefits, but obviously not since the canned ones are cooked, at least to some extent. He was looking around earlier for a sweet - we've been dieting and there's absolutely no sweets in the house. Tomorrow night I think he will get a cherry cobbler.
Both my exDH and my DSO have gout. Both of them find cherries to be the quickest fix, along with drinking plenty of water.

Fresh cherries are great, but tough to find at this time of year. Pie filling is pretty high in sugar, but you can also buy canned sour cherries, which are healthier, and pretty tasty! Canning doesn't make them less effective at ridding the body of the uric acid.

He needs to avoid beer, lentils, organ meat, red meat.

Best of luck.
I'm on a diet too and no cobbler for anyone!
You know the old saying - misery loves company

I agree with Orpington Manor that the sour cherries would be better than pie filling. I buy them all the time for baking. They come in a glass jar - check the import section in the supermarkets for them. You can dump them in a pot and heat them up while chopping them up with a fork as they cook. Then add a teaspoon or two of sugar. Save some juice and add a little cornstarch to it, add to cooked cherries to thicken. Makes a nice topping or just eat as is.

I usually add Kirsch Schnapps at this point for Tortes (and then lick the pot clean

Of course, fresh cherries would be the healthy option. Do you have any small vegetable/fruit stores in your area? If you ask the owner for a case I'm sure they can order them. That might make the price more affordable too.

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