DH's gout??

And be disowned???

For you, I just might do it. Shhhhhhhhhhh

and what about for me? blink blink
And be disowned???

For you, I just might do it. Shhhhhhhhhhh

and what about for me? blink blink

Do you seriously want it?

Thank goodness my dad doesn't know how to use a computer. And my sisters think chickens are awful, so no fear of them having yet another thing to tattle on me for.
i have to respond here. i get episodes of gout. have one right now in my shoulder. it hits while you're sleeping mostly. let me tell you, it's a pain no person should have to endure. even the wind makes it hurt. seriously. i got tired of getting shots and taking pills, so here's what i do...

1 cup hot water
2 tsp. honey (must be clover honey, i don't know why)
2 tsp. apple vinegar

mix well and drink. my gout episode is gone in a hour or so. strange, i know. but it works.

also, start drinking cherry juice. the real stuff. it's expensive, but worth it. i buy concentrate from the local health food stores. drink a glass for breakfast. i usually get an episode when i've been a little too heavy with beer....

i take ibuprofin (sp?) for the swelling and it helps greatly. i take 800mg twice daily when i'm having an episode of gout. gets it feeling better quickly. at least so i can function.

another great juice is pomegranate (sp?). that's even better than cherry if you can find it. but for the most part, the honey, vinegar and water work wonders. plus, i'm not ingesting any medication.
Interesting! Thanks for that info. Yes, DH is suffering pretty bad with it right now.
poor hubby.... guess the really old photo I found on the web of a policeman in his uniform with a bad case of the gout and swollen neck the size of Texas will help you all feel better? You can say, at least you're not like that guy.
Okay, give me a few minutes woman! I'm going in as many directions as my mind can handle right now.

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