
Jan 14, 2021
Female coturnix quail has diarrhea. The substance is clear in color with occasional white patches, and is very runny. Been collecting samples to show the vet. In the spare time, what could I do to help her? Should I separate her from the flock?

Her diet:
Gamebird Showbird Starter Grower from MannaPro
1 medium-sized mealworm per day
1 napa cabbage leaf (she also eats the hard white parts of the leaf) per day
Play sand (for dust-bathing)

She also appears more tired than usual, wanting to constantly sleep. She drinks water but avoids her feed. Her back is a bit puffy.
Definitely get her to a vet if you can. Has she been eating? I would start by stopping the cabbage. One mealworm per day won't harm her, but I'm not sure about the cabbage. If you can get some Nutri-drench or Save-a-chick into her, that will help give her some energy to fight the illness.

The constant sleeping is worrying. That means that she's definitely sick.
Definitely get her to a vet if you can. Has she been eating? I would start by stopping the cabbage. One mealworm per day won't harm her, but I'm not sure about the cabbage. If you can get some Nutri-drench or Save-a-chick into her, that will help give her some energy to fight the illness.

The constant sleeping is worrying. That means that she's definitely sick.

Good thing happened - she ate some feed for the first time today. She then had a tiny normal dropping, but afterwards came a huge amount of the diarrhea.
I'll try acquiring Nutri-drench asap and I'll stop the cabbage. Will also quarantine her away from the flock.
Update: Thanks to a family member I'll have the poultry nutri-drench arrive soon with overnight shipping (I'm a minor and cannot order online.)

Great news is she eats a small/decent amount every 50 minutes. I have to slightly wet the feed though, otherwise she remains uninterested. She likes it that way as it reminds her of the formula she ate as a baby.
She then had two successful dust baths today - kicking, digging, ruffling her feathers... I was very relieved.
Her droppings were originally clear, white and very runny. They are now less runny, are brown and more solid, with yellow liquid. This is a good sign of recovery. But still diarrhea nonetheless.

She also laid her first ever abnormal egg today. Her eggs are typically light blue with brown speckles. Today's egg was a bit larger, with a darker teal-ish color, with an excess calcium coat (grainy texture). The egg shell was weaker. Luckily the inside appears fine. If anyone finds this concerning though, please do let me know.
I'm glad to hear she sounds like she's doing better. I re-read your original post, and I would also recommend changing the play sand out for construction sand or plain old dirt. Play sand is intended to clump when wet, and you can imagine what that might do inside your bird's crop.

It's beginning to sound like the cabbage might have been part of the problem.

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