Diarrhea in muscovy male


Free Ranging
Oct 16, 2020
Northern California
I have a male Muscovy that has diarrhea since Thanksgiving day. I originally was worried he might have a prolapse because his penis was hanging out. It keeps popping out each time he poops now. I have been giving him some electrolyte and vitamin water. I looked his droppings and there don't appear to be worms in them. He otherwise seems to be fine. Also, his feces are rather pungent now. Is this something that could just pass, or should I be considering antibiotics or such.
Any changes in his environment recently? Is he molting? Could you post pictures of the drake and a few pictures of his poop? Is he eating much?

Sadly, diarrhea doesn't help narrow it down much, and it could be a bacterial infection, internal parasites, or even a blockage in the gastrointestinal tract, which could put pressure on his penis causing it to pop out often. I will wait for your answers to the questions above before suggesting more.
The only change really is we have a mud pond around our water now the weather is cooler. I am working on making it less a mud pond. He does not appear to be molting. None of my muscovy seem to be molting yet. I will have to get back to you later for the other stuff.

My husband does the feeding and care for the ducks. He said the male mostly forages, and rarely sees him eat from the feeder when he was feeling healthy.

One other thing. I thought about. My saxony penis is much paler. My muscovy drake was a bit redder. Not sure if that is normal or means it is inflamed. I would not be surprised if is inflamed with the diarrhea.
So my drake seems to be doing better today on his own. My husband caught him eating a lot of food. He still has some watery droppings but they are more solid. He also is not going nearly as often, and his penis is not coming out as much. I attached photos of his droppings and him. I am hoping this means I won't have to do much more than keep him hydrated till it passes. He was also really peppy today as well.

I was wondering if you have an article on things you think people should have on hand for ducks and their common ailments? I have been been gathering more things, but it would be nice to be more prepared.


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If he's feeling better, he may have just got something funky in his system, hard to tell what that might have been.

If you're looking to gather a first aid kit, I would suggest getting tube feeding supplies, activated charcoal, a hospital crate, gram scale, bandages, antibotics, Silver Silvadene cream, and 1ml syringes. I use those supplies most often around here.
If he's feeling better, he may have just got something funky in his system, hard to tell what that might have been.

If you're looking to gather a first aid kit, I would suggest getting tube feeding supplies, activated charcoal, a hospital crate, gram scale, bandages, antibotics, Silver Silvadene cream, and 1ml syringes. I use those supplies most often around here.
Thanks for the first aid kit info.

So I have been watching my male. I am still giving him vitamins and electrolytes. While he is better, he hasn't completely gotten better. He is doing exactly the same as my last post. The female muscovy have been seeing a juicy worm and pulling on his penis occasionally. Not sure if that could be contributing to his recovery stalling.
@Isaac 0 do you have ideas on what I should look at next? I noticed today my drakes penis is not as red today, so I am taking that as a good sign.

That is a good sign, it should be pale, not red.

How often is his penis coming out, just once or twice a day, or more?
Whenever he poops. It does not come out as much or as long as before.

If he seems to be acting OK, and you're seeing improvements, you could just try leaving him be, and see if he continues to improve. If you think the penis is still inflamed, you could try lubing your finger (wearing gloves) with some Preparation H, or DMSO gel, and insert it into his vent, not going too far down. That may help with any swelling.

Otherwise, you could try taking him to a vet.

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