Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Morning Everyone!!
Stopping in to say Hi, and then out the door to go clean, dust the coops. You all are giving me the creepy crawlies with all of the mite/lice talk. I'm taking it as a sign. Clean the coops, or I could be the next one posting about my nightmare.... I'm off, and praying I stay motivated
Hey Mich!
Here's a WOW for you. This chick was assisted. It was bloody and yolk sack wasn't absorbed. It laid on a wet paper towel for a day without moving. I force fed it sav a chick for a day and it didn't move. Only breathed. I force fed it through the night and this morning and just now. It actually stood a few times when I set it down. No way this chick would live. WOW

awwww ANGEL!!!
Broody update...She failed to hatch a single chick but I had one hatch in the bator last night from the eggs I took from her. I took her last egg this morning which turned out to be dead and stinky. I gave her the chick with serious trepidation. So far they are doing fine. Chick tucked right in under her wing. I have a couple more eggs in the bator that look like they will hatch today or tonight. So hopefully I can give her a few more chicks as long as she keeps doing well. she takes all her chicks since I don't want to brood any more.
I hope she does ok with it!!!! more luck to you than I had BOTH Times!!!
My wife is home trying to feed the chick and cant tell the difference from it and the one I put with it to keep it company. Thats a good sign.
You should call it Angel. I think Sally already named it.
Turning out to be a gorgeous day! no words from Chad yet on taking my chicks to auction good thing I didn't pack them up aint it!

Will orange slices be ok in the boxes with each bird to give them some fluids IF he does show up for them? I cant think of any other way to keep anything in there for them or am I over thinking the auction thing? I don't have apples just a few oranges I can slice for him to add one or two to each box.
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