Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Here's a WOW for you. This chick was assisted. It was bloody and yolk sack wasn't absorbed. It laid on a wet paper towel for a day without moving. I force fed it sav a chick for a day and it didn't move. Only breathed. I force fed it through the night and this morning and just now. It actually stood a few times when I set it down. No way this chick would live. WOW

How lovely is that chick, or should I say how lovely is Angel?
What can I research now????? anyone?????

do my turkey and quail stink so much from the high protein feed because they add so much blood to it?????
I ran into that in my research as well!  This is why so many poultry houses have so many infestation issues and this could be the cause why mareks has becomes so widespread as well! Out of our own ignorance! I am done researching, I have read enough, seriously gross and figures since our colony has grown HUGE! Only way I would keep it if I could get testing done every so often and easily and cheaply!!!!  

Anyone know if this can be done somewhere?

I'm all about my birds eating bugs and I will even dig worms for my youngsters but the last time a rotting animal (dead turkey) was in our field it drew a fox who then realized the chicken coop could provide AUCE buffet! So I guess a rotting carcass to provide additional protein for me is my threshold! I know there are a bunch of other viable options! I'm thinking of starting to purée some liver and freezing it for them when they can't be outside this winter! :) I completely respect everyone's view point but just thought it was interesting since the mealworms topic was on the table!
How long will it take before he can give them water? And I guess it's not terribly hot by you at the moment? They will be o.k. for awhile if it's not warm.

So 3 of us post at the same time! Sally, the above is in response to your orange slices post :)
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How long will it take before he can give them water? And I guess it's not terribly hot by you at the moment? They will be o.k. for awhile if it's not warm.

So 3 of us post at the same time! Sally, the above is in response to your orange slices post :)
I don't think they offer them water at auction they sit all night till over in boxes! I have never been to auction though! so idk but I am NOT willing to take the chance, orange is ok for them right? its 76 outside right now he is coming in half hour he said, so they will sit in the back of his open truck for another hour and then who knows.
Quote: Good thing to keep in mind.

I actually knew a guy who bred maggots for his chickens (or he said he was going to, I didn't go look). He sold fish, so he said he'll use the fish heads etc to attract flies. Good food source, but
Quote: In that case, give them orange slices and ask if he can give them water before leaving them at the auction house. Put small bowls in the boxes for him to use. They'll be o.k. for awhile without water, but from now 'till overnight is too much IMO.
Mine love grapes too. I've read the debate on citrus and members who's knowledge and opinions I trust, like Speckledhen, said they can have citrus, so give it to them.
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