Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Ducky doesnt look at energetic, now I loose hope yet again.

updated image of umbilical area

So sorry... that's how two of mine are looking.

Thanks guys for all of your help. I went into the classroom this morning (not my kids normal day of school) and there were 2 chicks up and moving around. Another one was in the middle of unzipping (I think that is what it's called) and another 5 had external pips from what I could see in the window. I couldn't see anything on the other 4. I'll take a look at the no gos when this is all said and done. I'd like to do another hatch at home so I can learn some more about the process and so my older daughter can participate. I'll pick up some supplies at Wally World between now and then. Just have to convince hubby that this is a good idea.
Thanks guys for all of your help. I went into the classroom this morning (not my kids normal day of school) and there were 2 chicks up and moving around. Another one was in the middle of unzipping (I think that is what it's called) and another 5 had external pips from what I could see in the window. I couldn't see anything on the other 4. I'll take a look at the no gos when this is all said and done. I'd like to do another hatch at home so I can learn some more about the process and so my older daughter can participate. I'll pick up some supplies at Wally World between now and then. Just have to convince hubby that this is a good idea.
thats awesome news!! I bet you and the kids were ecstatic!! awesome!
Had to share..... thought these young CCL on the front porch of the "serama saloon" looked adorable. I think she is going into the saloon and he isnt gonna stop her LOL

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