Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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I am po'd this stupid video isnt clear at all! What is going on! I have uploaded plenty of candles and never had this issue until recently, they are clear on my laptop and my cell, and they are max on youtube! NOTICE first egg and very last egg I candle are NORMAL day 15 White faced eggs, also note that the veining (chorio-allantoic membrane) reaches the bottom of the egg and has great veining! Then I candle all those silkie duck eggs! STUNNING if you ask me! Well it is clear video to me on my laptop and in person! and NOTE MY QUOTE ABOVE! [COLOR=0000CD]So my guess is number 8 hatches! and possibly #3,[/COLOR] there are two eggs I missed, I will do them later. The silkie duck are on day 18
Sally I have this on a lot of my eggs but only the shipped eggs. They have been incubated in the same conditions as home eggs who were not affected. They also have huge air cells so I've been chalking it up to a shipped egg thing. I dry incubate and other then about 24 hours mid way through, the RH has been <20%. I'll see if I can get some pics tonight.

interesting, I have never seen it except early deaths and this winter with CCL eggs. but those were mine. something I will have to watch and keep track of. This would be why the yellow gel is remaining in the eggs when humidity is too high, its the albumen that couldnt get used up from the start. At least thats putting two and two together with all the past postings of abstracts and stuff.... off to read some more, call me addicted to research and having to know everything lol

I am po'd this stupid video isnt clear at all! What is going on! I have uploaded plenty of candles and never had this issue until recently, they are clear on my laptop and my cell, and they are max on youtube!

NOTICE first egg and very last egg I candle are NORMAL day 15 White faced eggs, also note that the veining (chorio-allantoic membrane) reaches the bottom of the egg and has great veining!
Then I candle all those silkie duck eggs! STUNNING if you ask me! Well it is clear video to me on my laptop and in person! and NOTE MY QUOTE ABOVE!
So my guess is number 8 hatches! and possibly #3, there are two eggs I missed, I will do them later.
The silkie duck are on day 18

This makes me sad to watch, dejavu. I had this on all of my shipped and my own Call eggs. I definitely had insufficient moisture loss throughout. Sally, a while back I sent you those gross pics of the embryo bagged up in the air cell end, remember? This must have been why.
@foxvalleyfarm , I found this: Source: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/vm095

In any animal population during embryonic development, there is a predictable incidence of embryos that die or are not able to hatch due to deformities. Based on this comprehensive investigation, data demonstrated that the percent of deformed embryos ranged from 0.22 to 0.30% of the total hatch. These findings suggest that hatchability declines on the average of 0.25% due to malformed chicks. A combination of deformities and malpositions can be manifested simultaneously. Table 2 shows the incidence of common deformities observed from embryos at 15 to 21 days of incubation. The most common deformities are those of exposed brain (29%), without eye(s) (25%) and with beak abnormalities (+/-35%). http://Table 2. Incidence of common deformities
Deformity Description %
1 Exposed Brain 29
2 Without eye(s) 25
3 4 legs 10
4 Deformed beak 27
5 No upper beak 8
6 Deformed twisted leg 1
http:// -Kathy
I had one that had a severely crossed beak..my guess is it was due to me dropping and jarring the egg right before I set it. It was DIS. Onto other developments. I have some In the Hatcher right now... I had one that appeared odd upon candling. It looked like there was liquid in the air cell. I thought maybe it was from it not healing properly during incubation due to shipping. Upon further examination I found the babies foot like...on of the toes stuck in the umbilicus with most of the yolk absorbed. When I opened the egg, he looked totally ready to hatch, I guess he had pipped and started absorbing but got his toe jail caught in his umbilical stuff and that flooded the egg with yolk and blood. Let me tell ya, it smelled pretty bad, I thought maybe it had mushy chick, but then I found the toe. Oh, when I opened the egg, and poured it out in the sink, I looked in the egg and it was gasping. I am not sure if it died or not, but...well, it wasn't going to live.
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I am po'd this stupid video isnt clear at all! What is going on! I have uploaded plenty of candles and never had this issue until recently, they are clear on my laptop and my cell, and they are max on youtube!

NOTICE first egg and very last egg I candle are NORMAL day 15 White faced eggs, also note that the veining (chorio-allantoic membrane) reaches the bottom of the egg and has great veining!
Then I candle all those silkie duck eggs! STUNNING if you ask me! Well it is clear video to me on my laptop and in person! and NOTE MY QUOTE ABOVE!
So my guess is number 8 hatches! and possibly #3, there are two eggs I missed, I will do them later.
The silkie duck are on day 18

This makes me sad to watch, dejavu. I had this on all of my shipped and my own Call eggs. I definitely had insufficient moisture loss throughout. Sally, a while back I sent you those gross pics of the embryo bagged up in the air cell end, remember? This must have been why.
I will compare if I get anything to hatch with what I seen on the bottom, I have no faith now, and yes it makes sense why they should quit and not be able to tuck and pip, complete sense. bummer.
two boxes of chicks headed south ughhhhhh did I mention that its stressful? I only have 11 serama chicks that just hatched, its so empty in the brooder closet! LOL I think I like it that way!
They will pick up the serama this weekend! I have the ducks to try to hatch this week as well as another batch lockdown is this week, better go check.

on another note,
What is with calendars and ledgers? all june to june and not jan to jan? did we change how we live a year or what!
I was so mad, I paid 25. for a decent ledger book with the calendar notes section and it said 2014-2015 on it, and I am thinking doh jan to jan NOT!! wtheck!!!
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