Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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2 batches of chicks made it to TX safe and sound!!! thank GOD I get so stressed!
2 batches of chicks made it to TX safe and sound!!! thank GOD I get so stressed!
thanks Sally! They are running around looking great! And my Lav cuckoo Ams are hatching! Awesome chicken day!
End of day 20 for silkie duck eggs, no draw down, not much change in air cells since day 18 sharpie mark, humidity is up in the room to 30-38% with the end of the coal stove usage. soon time to crank up the de-humidifier. Image after one of our three dips today.... all eggs still moving
wish I could say I have hope, I dont after seeing those bottoms

Hi guys!!!

Its that time of year where I can finally get going with chicks again. Its been bloody freezing here, in Alberta and still freezing in the AM! Hope everyone is doing well??

So I had my incubator filled with my mixed breeds as I havent been able to separate yet but posted an ad on Kijiji saying that i was getting the incubator going. My phone went off the HOOK! My husband then bought me a dozen Duck eggs to try hatch as its been a life long ambition to have some! got home and didnt have room in the bator. phone still going like crazy for orders. SOOOOO i squashed 42 eggs under 3 broody hens and switched out them for the ducks and turkeys....phone still going like crazy.

After a lot of debate and believe it or not me saying no no no for a while My husband and I have invested in a Sportsman which should arrive on Friday!!! EEEEEK omg! my mother inlaw and sister inlaw were saying he is willing to do this GO FOR IT! lol

Now i am waiting for chicks to hatch on saturday under the broody hens and then my ducklings and Turkeys to hatch on the 19th I think it is! I am no doubt going to drive you all nuts asking about ducklings. Have been doing my research (mainly you Sally! thank you) but still very nervous all the same. Nervous about my incubator arriving too as I have never ordered an expensive bit of equipment before!
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