Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Three are out!!!!!!!

We have 5 strong little stinkers!! I set my alarm to go check on the three unpipped at 1 am, well I thought I did, I went down 1:30 am and had five out and one had body smashed against its pip hole, I prayed it wasnt suffocated, it was.... It tried to get out and couldnt, everything absorbed perfectly, he was still warm and pliable, oh well only the strong survived. I will past him and his shell at the end of this post, I didnt keep track of which number he was in my rush to save him.


These are the shells some of them came out of.....
Chor mem almost went to the bottom of them

Pool little guy..... perfectly absorbed and silver looking
his shell.....

VIABLE EXTERNAL pipped EGGS REMAINING (NOTE TREND in chorio-allantoic membranes? and not weight ALSO NOTE AIR CELL SIZE at start VS WEIGHT LOSS)
#2 SMALL MOVEMENT/SIZE M / 16.10% med albumen sack
#3 MED MOVEMENT/SIZE M / 20.10% small albumen sack (almost closed ChorMembrane)
#7 NO MOVEMENT/SIZE XS 15.44% med albumen sack

#8 NO MOVEMENT/SIZE XS 15.48% best albumen sack (almost closed ChorMembrane)
#9 NO MOVEMENT/SIZE S 19.81% med albumen sack
#10 NO MOVEMENT/SIZE M 19.38% med albumen sack and weird shaped
Hi everyone
Sorry so scarce, had a hectic few weeks. Hope everyone's well?

Sally, ducklings again? Sweet! Sorry about the lost one
I have decided to let you all know an essential bit of equipment to have! A magic bag!!! I just went out and a chick had fallen out of the nesting box. it was cold gasping for breath and legs stretched right out and about to fit and die by the looks of it. ran it in the house, gave the magic bag a minute in the microwave then wrapped chick in it. He is still sick but standing and moving around!
I have decided to let you all know an essential bit of equipment to have! A magic bag!!! I just went out and a chick had fallen out of the nesting box. it was cold gasping for breath and legs stretched right out and about to fit and die by the looks of it. ran it in the house, gave the magic bag a minute in the microwave then wrapped chick in it. He is still sick but standing and moving around!
Great idea! :thumbsup Best of luck with that chick. :)
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