Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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yes she can kick out unabsorbed. its a process and sometimes we intervien and go too fast is all.... maybe you should take her top off and see what the membrane looks like
What is it suppose to look like? She seems good, wouldn't that speed up the process?
if she seems good and loud let her go, I am sure your keeping a close "ear" on her! and you have def upped humidity with the napkin!
Ya I am going to wait until tonight, if no progress then I will chip away a little more. Do you have a link to an article about "the next steps"? A full assisted hatch? Ugg I donot like this part of hatching
if she seems good and loud let her go, I am sure your keeping a close "ear" on her! and you have def upped humidity with the napkin!
I chipped off a tiny bit more, I can't tell if she is dry ...seems fine...but I keep second guessing myself. What is the highest amount of humidity that I can go? Can she still drown at this point or no?
Good luck, kelly!
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