Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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It's a lot easier to kill them if they piss you off ;) (Stupidhead made great soup.)
stupidhead! well brahma are big stupids for sure, just sweet stupids and that's the part that sucks they are friendly than a kitten for petes!
It's a lot easier to kill them if they piss you off ;) (Stupidhead made great soup.)
I totally agree!!!!!!! I will tell any bad rooster "you better watchout or you will be dinner!" I think they understand me!

Dude! you made it there! you cleaned and ate it! OMG!!! the processor says he charges 1.50 bird, but I think if I ask him to cut it up he will charge more, but perhaps for the first few times I should pay extra so I don't have visions dancing in my head eh?
HA! cleaning and eating is the easy part... took me all of 5 mins to do it and I had no instructions, did it all by myseld and I had never cleaned a bird before, but I have watched my dad clean quail and dove and deer, so I had an idea..... WAY WAY easier than expected! .... BUT deciding which one to kill, and catching it and then actually KILLING it ...... that is the hard part... at least for me.... even Hubby does not want to... he did offer to shoot one if I needed it, less personal....
I am sad......
I have to make the call tomorrow to set up processing for 4 roos, my cochin roo and 3 brahma roos its really bothering me but I need to get past this. I decided to stay inside the rest of the day as I keep finding myself watching roosters and admiring their beauty. I can get through this and move on, and perhaps next step will be raising meaties which I wish I could be doing.

Did anyone ever run into a thread that will help me through this part of chicken keeping? heck I wouldn't even know what to search for. I did sit and look at images of big production plants and such, and I know how much more healthier and better doing our own meat is but still need some support here.

I just don't get it, why when I get so old do I get so tender footed? Beats me
and I am even psyching out thinking I will be abled to tell which bird is who by size and all that, heck I may just end up sick as a dog getting meat returned. But I wont know until I do it.

Confession of the day.....

I am a woosie how ever you spell that
- once again, I am afraid I missed something important- why must you do this ?
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