Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Well we're up to 7 turkeys, 1 duck, and 1 guinea that have hatched. All but one of the remaining turkey eggs have pipped, and all but three of the duck eggs have pipped. No other guinea or chickens have pipped yet. I'm a little concerned about some of my duck eggs and all of my remaining guinea eggs. I'm not seeing the eggs shaking or wiggling like the turkeys have been. The chickens are also completly still but I added those to the incubator a week later so I'm hoping they are on their own schedule.
Well now that the chick can walk......it flops on its side like the other one that I hatched at the same time. Whats going on with these two. They will walk for a little ways and then stop and flop over and their legs will straighten out like they are having a seizure. They are eating. I watch them eat. I just syringe fed them both and they sucked it up. They have trouble drinking. One fell into the water and couldn't get out. I guess it got its fill. Sigh...........They are pretty Blue Laced Red Wyandottes with dark blue colors from shipped eggs. Will they come out of it? They are little butterballs. Ill go take a pic. If they are resting, they are laying on their sides.

Hi everyone! I just set 14 eggs (from Wisher1000) on Mother's Day! 10 BCM, 2 EE, and 2 SC. They are in my LG still air incubator. So far the temperature has been very stable. It is staying from 99 degrees to 100 degrees. When I open the lid to turn the eggs, it will go down to 97 degrees for less then 10 minuets. I have not been really worried about the humidity since I am doing a dry hatch, so as long as it is over 25% I don't mess with it. I am only on day 3 so I don't get to candle for a few more days. Does everything sound okay? Sally Sunshine told me about this thread and I am hoping to hang out with all you smart and experienced hatchers while I am waiting for these babies to hatch!

Welcome to the thread
Everything sounds good. I normally candle on day 7, but if you have pale shelled eggs and a good light you may be able to see something happening before then.
Well I haven't been on here in a couple of weeks, I've been busy with my college finals and my son has started baseball this year, along with trying to keep the daily farm chores done I haven't had time to stop by. I don't know if everyone remembers but I am attempting to hatch duck, turkey, chicken and guinea eggs together. Well apparently some decided to hatch a day early. Tommorow will be the 28th day, but I have 5 turkeys already with more on their way out. Also a few ducks and at least one guinea has broke through their shells. I know I'm not supposed to open the incubator in order to maintain humidity levels but the turkeys are knocking eggs all over the place. I'm concerned that the turkeys will knock the other eggs into a position that keeps them from hatching. What should I do?
If they are dry and fluffed up remove them quickly. And congrats on the babies!
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