Did anyone set chicken eggs on April 11th?

I set on April 11th around 8:30pm. I ordered 12 eggs and got 14 eggs.Great!
So lookin forward to my hatch.I hope everyone else have great hatches!
I will keep in touch!
I'm incubating for first time. I set 15 ridley bronze turkey eggs in incubator on 13th around 5pm. I have been turning them at 8am, 4pm, and 12am. Incubator is a still air design out of a cooler. Temperature is constant 99.5ish degrees. using no water, and humidity is around 65% is that too high? When I open cooler to rotate the eggs the humidity drops to 35%, is all that humidity coming from the eggs? If humidity is too high how can I bring it down? I already have a bunch of holes drilled in the lid which helped to lower humidity from 72%. Any suggestions? I am very excited, tomorrow is day 7, and going to be an attempt at candling to see if anything is going on.
I started mine on April 11th at 10:30 AM!! Some copper marans, buff orpingtons, and a couple of Reds. Unfortunately, only 4 out of 18 are still alive...
I will update my progress as well
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When you candle, you will see if your humidity is too high. The air cell should be developing according to this chart:

Your location isn't listed in your profile, so if your home humidity is around 35%, your incubator should easily be able to be kept below 45%. You may need more ventilation.

I have 20 Midget Whites set on April 13 so I am on the same timeline as you with this batch.
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I tried candling when I rotated my eggs this morning, 10 of them have a dark mass 2/3 the size of the egg with a little dark spot floating around, 4 of them look pretty clear like empty, and 1 looks kind of empty with a blood ring around the air pocket. Air pockets look a little behind schedule according to the chart. Looks like approx day 5

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