Did anyone set September 2nd/3rd? I could use hatching buddies!

I have mine in lockdown!!! I hope they make it! mostly shipped eggs! BCM and Penedesencas, so I can't candle. I did notice a stink and threw out 2 bad eggs over the weekend, but the rest smell fine, so we'll see! Even my cracked egg seems to be doing well!!! Just the shell was cracked, not the membrane, so I taped it. Then after reading on here, I took the tape off and sealed it with candle wax. Seems to be doing fine, but it's a black copper marans, so we'll see if it hatches...
Hi everyone...how is the hatching going? Just an update on mine...4 BO ducklings eggs still cookin' BUT my broody hen hatched 7 of 12 chicks!! They are adorable!
I set 2 backyard mixes as a test run for my "fancy" chicken eggs. The 2 backyard mixes were set on the 3rd!!!

So.....two started in lockdown at lunch time today!
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Don't fib. I said the same thing, at the beginning of this year. then just recently ordered 6 different sets, #1 and#2 sets produced 0. Set # 3 of Duccle's produced 2 1/2. Set # 4 my hen hatched 4, me 1. Set # 5 gave me 5 (this was the best wrapped) #6 is a set of silkies and bobwhites currently in incubator.
Bobwhites traveled by horse and buggie in an egg carton for large eggs then was walked to my house from a little ways down the road. (we will see how those turn out.
I want to just say GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE. I love hatching eggs
I have one black copper marans chick out of the egg!!! He has feathered legs! (I say he b/c those are some thick legs! But I guess it may be a girl.
) Another egg pipped this morning, but I haven't seen or heard anything from it.
Another egg is rocking and peeping.
All BCM's. No sign yet from the Penedesencas I got in the same order.

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