Did Anyone Watch "The Big Waste" On The Food Network Channel?

I will agree that America wastes lots of food, but most of the grocery stores around here give their soon-to-expire food to the food banks. It's only damaged stuff that gets thrown away, or things that the majority of Americans won't eat, like lettuce trimming or moldy onions.

Actually, thinking about it, most food is now shipped display ready, so there probably aren't any lettuce trimmings at the retail level, any more.

Also this number of "hungry" Americans. I don't actually believe it. The number is manipulation from someone who is deriving some sort of benefit from it. You don't see anyone in America that looks like a refugee from a waring African nation. Those people have some food insecurity, but Americans have places to get food, and the poor here tend to be fat, which suggests that they are not going to be starving to death anytime soon.

Yes, some people need help, and yes children of parents who use their food stamps to buy drugs are probably going to bed hungry. But not the type of numbers that the government and the charities are claiming.
Yeah I watched it. Suppose to be on again this next weekend for those that missed it. 231 Direct TV. 2pm Saturday and 3pm Sunday, check your guide.

What bothered me was the corn field where the stalks had been knocked down by high winds and the guy said people would not pick it because the stalks were on the ground. All I could think of was all that corn that could be canned and how many people it could feed through the winter. Boy would I have had fun there. Strip the kernels off the cobs to freeze or can, let the cobs dry and run them through our feed grinder.
Then the cabbage patch where people would pick some cabbage and not like it and toss it aside.
Yeah they had a guy on there dumpster diving for free produce. I wonder how long that place they went will be putting their stuff on the curb.
I did not see this show, but before any one gets upset at the markets for not giving away that old food, be mad at the people who sue for everything. Because they are the cause of the problem. The fear of being sued is what puts locks on trash and keeps farmers from opening fields to be gleaned.
they said they SELL about 60 but can't sell the ones with skin tearing or broken bones b/c people think they must be diseased b/c of it so they have to toss them...
i volunteer at 2 food banks in the area and NO grocery stores don't donate unless you seek them out and ask.
i DVRed the show and they did a very good job with the time they had to work with.The guy who "dumpsterdives" is a "Freegan"Meaning that he collects what was being thrown out and used it rather than having it thrown away. It's NOT a hoax or faked or whatever.Freegans have been around for many years.
As for those that don't believe there's that many hungry folks in this country ...think again! At our 2 local foodbanks alone we serve many families. At the MONTHLY one we serve between 130-175 families each time and at the WEEKLY one we serve from 15-45 familes.We cover a small area of under 20,000 people.
Food wastefulness in this country is ridiculous and makes me sick .
A friend of mine owns a working farm and i have seen with my own eyes what will and wont sell because it's considered to large ,too small, the "wrong" color and the excuses go on and on. For example,she grew some beautiful yellow heirloom variety watermelons a couple years ago and no one wanted to buy them b/c they "looked different" .People wouldn't even try the samples she offered!
Just watched it on my DVR its disgusting how much we waste especially the chickens and eggs. To see all those live chickens and know that they may be thrown away right after being slaughtered because their skin tore during the process is heart breaking such a waste of life. The eggs the eggs! I love them all, the bigger the bette,r love double yokers and the lil tiny ones are cute and bite sized. Why is all this food not being donated to local food pantries and soup kitchens???????????????????????????????????????????

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