Did Diane Sawyer make anyone else mad this morning?

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I'm with you there.

I understand that they're exhausted from having a preemie. But what's the rush to childproof the house when they've left a newborn alone with animals that aren't accustomed to babies?

And "two minutes"?? I doubt it was 2 minutes.
At any rate... they put the baby in the crib and were getting ready for a baby shower. I doubt they had any forsight that the dog would take the baby from the crib or else they would have made precautions.

This is a live and you learn.
I couldn't watch the video because the speakers are messed up, but i read it.

for one, the dog LOOKS like a husky, or something thats got WOLF in it

and judging by it's looks on google, it probably has a HIGH range on wolf in it, any kind of wolf or husky is GOING to target smaller things as prey, I've heard many many many horror stories of huskies killing babies, in when I lived in Lousianna, there was something on the news that happened a few houses down from us, this couple had a husky, the woman brought her baby neice over who was like 3 months old, the husky grabbed the baby by it's head and killed it right infront of the lady, i can't remember what happened to them but I rmemeber the dog was killed.

in WV we had a guy who bred wolf-hybrids, he bred his WOLF hybrids with HUSKIES, he had a couple get out of their kennel one day, these things LIVED in the woods for about a month, and in that span, killed 15 cats, killed and partly ate a mini poodle and a dachshund.

attacked a pair of ROTTWEILERS, and killed one of them, and would hang around the old folks home and growl at them, one day they went after an elderly man, the hobbled inside and called the police saying there were coyotes outside the building LMAO

I'm not seeing how they didn't hear the baby either though
the baby could have been swaddled and the dog could have tugged the blanket and grabbed clothing to start with?

Just a theory... since it was a question i pondered as well.
I would like to know the same thing. If that were me I would not want to talk to Diane Sawyer, heck I probably would not want to talk to anybody.

I don't get it either. It's tragic for the child and family enough with out being put on trial by a "reporter". Oh, and what was with her acting like she was going to end the interview and then wanting to know if he was "mad" at the dog? Was she trying to catch him off guard to get him to contradict his earlier statement about this being an accident?

This kind of "journalism" is no different than when Connie Chung did the whole "you can tell me, no one is listening" crap - which by the way, pretty much the end of her career.

Oh, and IMHO Anne Curry is one of the worst interviewers I have ever seen. Did you see what she did to poor Brad Pitt? I swear that was a PAINFUL interview to watch. Brad looked like he wanted to crawl out of his skin and run far far away! Not to mention, she couldn't manage to stay on point - all he wanted to do was talk about his movie....

This is why I don't watch tv anymore!
I agree, the dog should have been watched closer. The only thing is that they have had this dog for 4 years and had no reason to really suspect that a thing like this would happen. We all get complacent in everyday life. This is something that they will go over and over in their heads forever. That said...Diane Sawyer had no reason to pound on that poor guy while he was down. On the GMA website, she has gotten raked over the coals. It will be interesting to see if she apologizes tomorrow. (The baby was swaddled and also is expected to live.)
I had a husky/malamute cross...she would never in a million years INTENTIONALLY hurt a child.

Tala did sleep in front of my DS bedroom door. and "protect" her pup. she would not let MIL in the room once (good girl here's a cookie)

HOWEVER she was still a dog, and was not left alone with our children EVER!

please dont start blaming the dogs breed, being a husky or "part" wolf is not the answer.

The answer is never leave little babies alone with animals, dogs or cats.

how many wives tales were started about cats killing babies?.. a lot, and the excuses ranged from the cat would take the childs breath away, to the cat was licking the formula or breast milk from the babies mouth. when the real answer is some one left the child unattended with an animal. The animal may have been licking milk from a childs mouth, or it may have wanted to snuggle..
I think it is a bit harsh to be so critical of new parents. They did have the dog for years and even if it carried off "things" there would have been no cause for them to think it would take a child.

After all, the child was in a crib. Hardly rolling on the floor like a toy inviting the dog to snatch it. I'm sure they felt the child was perfectly safe in it's crib. I know I would have.

Further, if they have two floors of their house, you can't always hear things. My sister has a fairly large 2 story house. She fell down her stairs that lead to the garage and lay on the floor screaming at the top of her lungs for 20 minutes and no one in the house heard her. In fact, she told me she wasn't heard by anyone til she made her way into the bedroom (connected to the garage) still screaming. Her husband was in the living room (connected to the bedroom) watching tv and never heard her. Her daughter was upstairs and never heard her either. She ended up with a broken tail bone and I guarantee you she was way louder than a 3 week premature baby!

This was a terrible, terrible accident that I'm sure these folks, in hindsight, would have done things different if they had thought for a minute this would happen. I'm sure they had all the classes about SIDS and how to protect your infant and I bet not once did anyone ever say - watch out for your dogs, they might snatch your baby out of the crib. We shouldn't be so quick to judge - after all, but for the grace of God go I....as the saying goes.
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The whole interview was just bad. She's a vulture. I have to say that my favorite part was when he said he had a 4 year old lab and she asked "do you think that's safe?" WHAT!?!
I used to have Huskies. One was gentle as could be and the other was a killer. Both were well socialized with cats but the younger one always tried to grab them. she was not the dominant one and was sneaky.
This dog was probably the same way. She just hadn't had the practice to kill or the baby would have died instantly. The dog snuck into the room and grabbed her new "toy" the grabbed it hard enough to puncture the lungs she was trying to kill it. Watch a dog with a squeeky toy and they will do the same thing.
Dogs are ANIMALS and should NEVER be trusted! People these days think animals are just furry people and forget they have their own pack rules and instincts.
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