Did I almost ever mess up!!!

Oh Lord, I don't know what to say. My prayers are with you and your family and for your Grandson. I can't imagine what you all are going through. I know God will do what is best for him now, I hope that it will mean a good recovery. You just never know.

An update on my little babies I ended up with 10 beautifully healthy little chicks--had to help one out of it's shell after 36 hours, head at wrong end of egg!!

We got the news last night that my grandson may recover to the extent that he may be able to function on his own eventually. At present he is in a mild comma but seems to responding to stimuli in very unexpectedly positive ways for the injury he sustain. This is my oldest daughter's oldest child. Everyone is doing well under the circumstances.

Thanks for the concern and encouragement. I guess I really should have posted this elsewhere but I just felt I wanted every one to know.
Once again, proof of the remarkable resilience of children and the power of prayer. Thanks for letting us know. I like to think of your beautiful, healthy chicks as being a divine message. Blessed New Year to you....
that is great news.

Please do keep us updated.
This hit home with me as I have a 12 yr. old and he and DH go out just shooting sometimes.

I can't imagine this happening to my 12 yr. old.
Great news! I'll continue with prayer, it does really work.
God is great isn't He. Just because the dr's say there is no hope we can never forget that they are only tools He is the physician.Just finished prayer for your grandson and family when I saw your update. Don't forget to tell your grandson the story of your eggs that were "lost"
when it is all over you can see the Lord's hand in both cases. Good luck and Have a blessed day

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