Did i kill my babies?????????????????????????????????????????????????


10 Years
Apr 22, 2009
New Castle, Indiana
to put more water in/turn your egg's??? My digital humidity was reading 24% will ALL the water evaporated. SO...i filled a plastic sandwich baggy with luke warm water..poked a small hole in it..and proceded to fill the small water holder's half full. Then i turned my eggs. My temp went to 85'F as i went to put the top back on. Few minuet's later i went to check and temp was climbing " 95'F " and humidity jumped to 41%
How did i do??

Edit: See post #8 and #26
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Here - add water that is as warm, or warmer than, the environment in the incubator. Do so quickly with a cup that you can keep in the incubator, which will help you regulate temperature. If your humidity is constantly low, add more water. I don't know which incubator you have, but for instance, if you have a Hova-bator, you're going to want to fill up both troughs, or possibly just the larger, outer trough. More surface area = more humidity. Don't stress yourself, though! Humidity is not much of a problem, especially when it is low. Some people hatch eggs at a constant humidity of 30-40%... 45-50% is generally widely accepted. At day 2, don't sweat it! Humidity in the natural nest varies widely depending on climate and weather... It changes from day to day.

Good luck with your hatch. Generally, less intervention is more.
I wouldn't worry about it, I know I haven't been being as careful and nitpicky as I should....I'm too excited!!! I gotta candle mine every day or two to make sure they're still alive, I wanna make sure I catch it if one dies on me. I take mine out of the bator for up to 10 minutes, and the other night the power went out and they got pretty cold. It all worked out, though....Good luck!!!!
well this makes me feal better! I had another close call today too.

I left my house with the humid at 35% and temp 100. Came home..."4 hours later" and found the humid at 27% and my temp went down to 93!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was horrified!!! I filled the water up, turned the egg's, and bumped the temp controle. 30 min later...it's now humid at 37% with the temp being 99.5

DOn't panic! If the temp drops you should still have a hatch, it might just delay it. Now if the temp spikes up then I would worry. We had a 9 hour power outage and still had a good hatch, the bator got to 71.1 degrees! Is there another way you might be able to stabalize the humidity though?
I wouldn't worry
You should be fine and I agree if the temp dropped a bit it might just make for a few late bloomers:)

Yep, real high temp is usually the killer

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