Did I tell you I have silkie eggs Pipping?UPDDATED (PICS)#2

I must make a correction. This is funny. I took that brown silkie out to show my DH and we were looking and I noticed it didn't have any feathers on the feet, not enough toes either. This is no silkie at all. It was a small egg and I didn't mark it. I mark the ones I am selling as to what pen they come from. I must have thought it was a silkie egg later when it was small. Some of my silkies lay good size small eggs. It had to have come from my Splash Orp Cockeral and a buff Orp cause I have them in a pen together till I give the buffs to my mom.
Here are a few of the ones that hatched. They still have their Dippity Do hairdo's. Not as fluffy as they will be. They have great feathering on their feet and lots of coneheads. I still have four in the bator trying to dry off and get on their feet.




I think the one in the front is a white with the silver gene. I will know in a few days. I have one more I think is white still drying.
they are so cute - but i think it is too funny how you take the pics of them on the dinningroom table - those poor babies must be thinking no please dont eat me LOL

I like the black old pie pan I found. It makes me think of the rhyme about the blackbirds in the pie.. It is hard to get a very good pic in the box because of the lighting. They are looking prettier all the time. They are eating and drinking. I'll get a pic of the other 5, in a little while. I thought it was four more but it is five. Two blacks and looks like a white and two blues.
They are now in a box temporarily together. Tomorrow I will put them in something bigger.

I think I have some keepers
They are sooo cute! I can't wait for your eggs to get here!!

Better not serve them up on a plate though...Purple Chicken might mistake them for h'orderves...
Bliss your eggs were mailed Mon. Morn so you should get them by tomorrow. Hopefully

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