Did momma crushed it to death after pip?


5 Years
Oct 30, 2016
Southeast Montana
I had another thread, and I pulled an egg from my broody because after the pip, she seems to crush the egg. She would peck at it so I ended up pulling the egg and finishing it in the bator. hatched perfect. It was also a previously posted about egg that had a saddle air sac so super excited it hatched. Anyway, as I was pulling this egg, the 2nd egg momma was sitting on had pipped. I left it alone and about 2 hrs later I went back and took a peak under momma and saw that this 2nd egg was also crushed and even had a red (blood) spot at the small end of the egg, so I just took it and put that in the bator as well. I was told for the other egg, to use a qtip and put water, or oil, on it and I did. There is a LOT of shell missing, almost an entire half. We were able to see it breathe thru the membrane but about a 1/2 hr ago, i couldn't see it breathing anymore. The shell is basically flaking off at this point but still can't see any breathing or movement. It is still early, only about 5 or 6 hrs after the pip so I don't know. Don't they still breathe? Shouldn't I still see breathe? I have never been able to hear it peep so that's no help.
yea, she's a 1st timer and not doing anything , I was there the whole time as we were putting together a small coop to move her and babies to their own spot, so i was right there. I think she is just sitting on them too hard
Oh, I am so sorry! How many eggs does she have under her? I don't think she intended to crush them.

When my chicks pipped, they hatched about 10-12 hrs later, some didn't complete the hatch until 24 hrs later. Maybe it is just resting, and finishing absorbing its yolk sac.

One of my chicks couldn't complete the hatch after zipping, and I could've sworn that it was dead. I ended up helping it, and it lived. Any progress?
Oh, I am so sorry! How many eggs does she have under her? I don't think she intended to crush them.

When my chicks pipped, they hatched about 10-12 hrs later, some didn't complete the hatch until 24 hrs later. Maybe it is just resting, and finishing absorbing its yolk sac.

One of my chicks couldn't complete the hatch after zipping, and I could've sworn that it was dead. I ended up helping it, and it lived. Any progress?

I'm hoping that's all it's doing. I can actually see part of the yolk I think. I just thought I would also see it breathing still.

And I know, I don't think she did either. hoping it survives but not seeing it breathe concerns me

whats her breed?


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