I had another thread, and I pulled an egg from my broody because after the pip, she seems to crush the egg. She would peck at it so I ended up pulling the egg and finishing it in the bator. hatched perfect. It was also a previously posted about egg that had a saddle air sac so super excited it hatched. Anyway, as I was pulling this egg, the 2nd egg momma was sitting on had pipped. I left it alone and about 2 hrs later I went back and took a peak under momma and saw that this 2nd egg was also crushed and even had a red (blood) spot at the small end of the egg, so I just took it and put that in the bator as well. I was told for the other egg, to use a qtip and put water, or oil, on it and I did. There is a LOT of shell missing, almost an entire half. We were able to see it breathe thru the membrane but about a 1/2 hr ago, i couldn't see it breathing anymore. The shell is basically flaking off at this point but still can't see any breathing or movement. It is still early, only about 5 or 6 hrs after the pip so I don't know. Don't they still breathe? Shouldn't I still see breathe? I have never been able to hear it peep so that's no help.