Did you eat the very first egg your chicken gave you?

Heck ya. I did save it until there was a few and then found a whole nest of them- we had scrambled eggs that night. We did all have pictures with the first egg :>P well the kids and I did, DH thought we were quite silly but I thought it was an event!
I was so excited for Snowflake when she laid her first egg. I scrambled it and let her have it.
We ate the second one though!

Here it is - so tiny

Thanks for all the replies. We got 3 yesterday and none today (so far). They are just a bit smaller than the "large" ones I've gotten at the store.

I stopped giving them the chick feed 2 weeks ago, so no medication involved.

Another "dumb" question.... HOW do you blow out an egg? I want to do at least one of them!

To blow an egg:
Verrry carefully poke a hole in each end of the egg. Then, simply blow out the insides.
I used a push pin to make the holes, and went really slowly, because the egg was so small and fragile.
I placed the point where I wanted the hole, and began to push and turn the pin. When the first tiny hole was made, I widened it by slowly turning the pin at a greater angle.
It may be hard to blow out the insides, so go slow, and know it will be an effort. Your cheeks might be sore afterwards, but it is worth it to keep the egg shells.
I always run cold water thru them afterwards a few times, to rinse out the last bits of egg white.
The middles come out sort of scrambled, but fine to cook and eat.

Bright Blessings!
I was planning on blowing them put but temptation was too great.

I gingerly crack them open and examine the contents in a white bowl; marvel at how perfect it is, then introduce it to an egg pan and fry the most perfect over easy egg. I save the shells

Toniight I'll have a complete set since my last pullet laid her first egg yesterday. We were fortunate enough to have hard shelled eggs. I would imagine if they came out soft, I would probably pass.
Oh yes, I definitely ate my first eggs! They were so amazing after only eating store bought since I can remember!
And I'm pretty sure there is no need to worry about eating eggs if your chickens are still on medicated chick starter, but you can check other posts here on BYC.
Yes we ate our first ones within minutes of them being laid. My wife and her Dad thought I was crazy for being so happy about the event, but of course they grew up eating home grown eggs, whereas I grew up in the city. Now I don't even eat eggs if their aren't any from our own birds:lol: The store ones just don't have what it takes. They look so pale and taste so bland by comparison. With our birds free ranging, our eggs have bright orange yolks and they have flavor. Right now most of my hens are broody so I'm leaving the eggs out for them, with the first batch due to hatch out on the 28th. Hey, we need meat in the freezer as well
, but once they're done, I'll be collecting eggs again.

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