Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

did you know i'm "grandma puppy sitting" and the dog is eating my pants? :hmm
I hope you're not still in them! That could be a bit ouchy
@kajira The puppy is so cute!

Did you know my daughter wants a yorkie for Christmas, and I am looking for somewhere to get one? (She will be so surprised, I told her there is no way I am getting a little dog for her.)
I'm all ears on the trick for panic attacks. I used to get them alot growing up, worked mind over matter type tricks to control them, but every now and then one surprises me and hits before I can stop it. :( 

Did you know that I can logically understand what it is, and I talk myself through it, but my hands shake and the adrenaline doesn't go away simply because I tell it too? LOL Pshhh.

1, 2, 3, 7,11, 8
We can't have a panic attack while counting out of order. I think we need to write it down or have someone telling us the numbers so we don't get upset about forgetting the sequence! :lol:
I think if I were having an attack, it would be worse if I forgot what numbers I was supposed to be quoting that time.
1, 2, 3, 7,11, 8
We can't have a panic attack while counting out of order. I think we need to write it down or have someone telling us the numbers so we don't get upset about forgetting the sequence! :lol:
I think if I were having an attack, it would be worse if I forgot what numbers I was supposed to be quoting that time.
I like that show as well :D
1, 2, 3, 7,11, 8
We can't have a panic attack while counting out of order. I think we need to write it down or have someone telling us the numbers so we don't get upset about forgetting the sequence!

I think if I were having an attack, it would be worse if I forgot what numbers I was supposed to be quoting that time.
I'm OCD - I'd cause a panic attack counting out of order.

I do a lot of... stimming. I rock, and I walk in circles, and twirl my hair and re-read, the same things over and over, and over again. until I'm calm. Then I can move on. My stimming to cope with stuff is actually listed in my diagnoses for autism, as some examples of my autism.

I just thought I was quirky.

Did you know that I got diagnosed because my brother's wife who worked with special needs kids told my husband to get me evaluated for autism? LOL

Did you also know my brother was diagnosed with aspergers and my nephews autistic
I'm OCD - I'd cause a panic attack counting out of order. :oops:

I do a lot of... stimming. I rock, and I walk in circles, and twirl my hair and re-read, the same things over and over, and over again. until I'm calm. Then I can move on. My stimming to cope with stuff is actually listed in my diagnoses for autism, as some examples of my autism. 

I just thought I was quirky.

Did you know that I got diagnosed because my brother's wife who worked with special needs kids told my husband to get me evaluated for autism? LOL

:oops:  Did you also know my brother was diagnosed with aspergers and my nephews autistic

No. Did you know that the world's tallest building is tall?

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