Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

Pics as soon as they hatch, please!
Did you know my silkies hatched early at day 19?
What were the conditions of your incubator? My cochin hatched on day 20 last time. I was keeping the conditions similar as to Star's hatch, but, put them in little cups to hatch upright, hopefully. they have really bad saddled airbags. So i'm really worried that won't be able to pip correctly.
Did you know we absolutely do!!! Crane flies!!! Lol
Did you know that 99% of the time i'm trying to say "air sacs" I write "air bags" and only catch it about 75% of the time to correct it.... :hmm Doh
Did you know chickens will gulp those bad boys up before you can say cockroach?

I did know. I always call the chickens over when I'm about to lift anything in the yard so they can get any bugs that crawl out from under!

Did you know that my cats are also great at catching cockroaches ... And tree frogs?
What were the conditions of your incubator? My cochin hatched on day 20 last time. I was keeping the conditions similar as to Star's hatch, but, put them in little cups to hatch upright, hopefully. they have really bad saddled airbags. So i'm really worried that won't be able to pip correctly.
65% ish, temp was about 99.5 (sorry, I don't really keep records :oops: ) in a Brinsea Octagon.

Did you know, on my first time hatching, I got up several times in the middle of the night to check on the eggs? :lol:

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