Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

Did you know it's extremely difficult to type with a baby trying to "help"

It comesotuie out seojtkse lilket this arjfiests and you habve to try,r oto crorect it.
I wonder if I could put an add up at the local TSC and offer to incubate eggs for people? Charge 25 bucks for my services.
you should!!!

Did you know in Washington state they pay people to hatch quail so they can have a hunting season.

Or is it pheasant.....

thats amazing you could read that lil, you arent and you knew it then and know it now, docs are not always right, trust me I sure know this one as you do now!

did you know I thought u meNT carry babies 4 others
i am sure she would!!

Did you know it's been a very long time since I've held a baby???
volunteer at the nicu

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