Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

My kids are *usually* well behaved in public.

My oldest is the instigator that causes 99% of the problems... so he doesn't get to go if he's not on his best behavior or his dad's not there to help. It's easier for me with 3 kids under 5 alone, then my 1 12 year old. LOL

Although, my 5 year old has had a couple of epic tantrums when I used the "wrong cart" a couple of times. 

Did you know I ignored her, until she punched me and then I picked her up, dumped her in the cart, then stuck a 50lbs bag of dog food on her lap... and she was so shocked about the bag, she shut up.

Did you know that my 2 year old says "shut up" to people when he doesn't want people to talk? That's because my 5 and 12 year old fight and tell each other to shut up all the time.... and I didn't care enough to correct them, since they don't do it to other kids, just themselves....

Did you know my 2 year old will also stuff his fist in your mouth to shut you up if you ignore him?

Did you know I don't have much of that to worry about these days... But I'm the first one to smile and help a struggling mother in a store. I can't erase the tough moments of having young ones in my head.
hmmm interesting...  Did you know I have to go to the sleep study place for consultation, seems the anesthesiologist found out I have sleep apnea fairly bad and this was the second time I had her for surgeries in two months so she made them take note and tell my PA I need tested.  I know I am exhausted tired but I thought anemia was the main issue, seems it could be a combo of meds and a bunch of other stuff.   Did you know that I take 23 pills a day right now?  Did you know one is for my gut because the meds are eating through it?  did you know I despise meds?  and being sick in general.  Did u know that I just wrote more on here than I ever have about my health and I dont know why?  Did you know I shouldnt drink but I am going to make a titos and tonic right now?  brb
Did you know I prayed for you! :hugs
Did you know I don't have much of that to worry about these days... But I'm the first one to smile and help a struggling mother in a store. I can't erase the tough moments of having young ones in my head.
I will admit that I have fairly well behaved kids, but every now and then they do something epic and remind me to be human and not judge other parents. LOL

Did you know that when I only had the one, I judged a lot, because he was well behaved.... until we had siblings. He still wants to sell his sister for 20 bucks.
I will admit that I have fairly well behaved kids, but every now and then they do something epic and remind me to be human and not judge other parents. LOL

Did you know that when I only had the one, I judged a lot, because he was well behaved.... until we had siblings. He still wants to sell his sister for 20 bucks.

I like your big heart. You are something else.
@Sally SunshineDid you know I was serious about wishing for your gift? I am one of those people others say they want, but really don't. I got told by a co-worker years ago that I was the bluntest person she had ever met. No games. I asked her if it was an insult or a compliment. I really try to be aware of others and not be unnecessarily blunt. Unfortunately, I get told I am intimidating. I often end up almost in tears by myself later because I try and honestly don't see how I got misinterpreted. :idunno
You generated a popular thread that is now many.
Do you know I think this went the wrong way?
@Sally SunshineDid you know I was serious about wishing for your gift? I am one of those people others say they want, but really don't. I got told by a co-worker years ago that I was the bluntest person she had ever met. No games. I asked her if it was an insult or a compliment. I really try to be aware of others and not be unnecessarily blunt. Unfortunately, I get told I am intimidating. I often end up almost in tears by myself later because I try and honestly don't see how I got misinterpreted. :idunno

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