Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

No problem there, it is a Movie character and not a real person ( I will never put an avatar of Stalin or Atila the hun.....) and I asume that most of members in BYC have the intelligence to judge me according to what I say/do and according a (stupid) pic in my Avatar.

And by the way he was good person, to HIS family........:lol:

I find this to not always be the case......Just saying it could be a bad assumption from my experience..

No problem I can cope with everyone here.

That is what makes this place so great. 

Acceptance rules without judgment.

I have found some judgment here...It seems a few people are not open to my enlightened waterfowl raising methods..

Right on q Ralphie!!!
Not acceptance of your actual point of view!!!

Acceptance is accepting that it is ok for people have different points of view (including waterfowl raising methds) and not letting it get in the way of friendship.

Despite you not caring for dux most people do not "judge" you for it or hold it against you.

We can all be liked despite our "flaws"....
Right on q Ralphie!!!
Not acceptance of your actual point of view!!!

Acceptance is accepting that it is ok for people have different points of view (including waterfowl raising methds) and not letting it get in the way of friendship.

Despite you not caring for dux most people do not "judge" you for it or hold it against you.

We can all be liked despite our "flaws"....

It's ok cause I like myself twice as much because of my great avatar....
By the way, I am flawless, I just did a check/inventory...........
my mother in law said I'm unreasonable because I said my teen had 25 per week, to budget for whatever he wanted from the grocery store... her first reaction "that's a horrible present".... I bought him 200 in art supplies for his actual present, and want to start teaching him about budgeting and financing....

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