Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

Did you know that October is a week & 1/2 away? I think we're gonna break out the Halloween stuff a little early.
I already did....:gig
We never even decorated for Halloween when the kids were home.
Not to mention we never get any trick or treaters down here anyways... But I decided this year we are gonna decorate the house ....:lau
I already did....:gig
We never even decorated for Halloween when the kids were home.
Not to mention we never get any trick or treaters down here anyways... But I decided this year we are gonna decorate the house ....:lau

We never get trick or treaters. We didn't at our old house either, but we always decorate. Every year I say in my best Linus Van Pelt voice, "This will be the year that the trick or treaters will come!" :old DH rolls his eyes & says, "Ooooookay momma." I always leave the gate open & candy on the porch, but so far, no takers. THIS year however, will be the year, I just know it! ;)
We never get trick or treaters. We didn't at our old house either, but we always decorate. Every year I say in my best Linus Van Pelt voice, "This will be the year that the trick or treaters will come!" :old DH rolls his eyes & says, "Ooooookay momma." I always leave the gate open & candy on the porch, but so far, no takers. THIS year however, will be the year, I just know it! ;)
Yeah we never get any either.....I keep a few dollar bills and cans of Coke in hand just in case.
Yeah we never get any either.....I keep a few dollar bills and cans of Coke in hand just in case.

Did you know that when I was a kid one of the neighbors would hand out bottles of coke? The lady next door to me worked for Baskin Robbins & would dress up as a witch with a big dry ice cauldron & pass out hot fudge sundaes. It was a tradition that all of us kids looked forward too & we'd always hit those two houses first. Such good memories!!!

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