Did you know that your child could be in danger?

OOOh good idea! Call the FBI..
They DO have investigators that specialize in this porn stuff with kids and such...
Not sure how you would get in touch with that specific branch of the FBI..but i would try.... it cant hurt anything. And it WILL make them check out that house and whats been seen on that kids computer...
Which will then..most likely get those parents investigated and get the ball rolling.
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I've read this thread completely and am sickened and disgusted. It's been said for years that our legal system protects the criminals, not the innocent, and this is so apparent in this sitaution.

Honestly, what I would do? Since contacting all the government agencies that SHOULD do something WON'T do anything, I would contact 60 Minutes, 20/20, or one of the National news magazines. I would try to get National exposure. Names don't have to be named.

Laws need to be changed, period. This could be a small start in that process, as well as get some sort of justice for your daughter.
She won't last log in the DBlwide. Give her to January and the ladlord will have had enough. Damage to the property will hurry the eviction.

I hope your DD can hang in there and it will get better.
We think alike! I even told anyone who would listen that I suspected that there may be other victims due to the way the situation was playing out...them packing up and leaving, changing schools etc.
Here, the elementary schools end at 5th grade. Then they move to middle school. So, it makes no sense that they would move thier child for 5 months to a new school and then have to have her change again to a middle school. But, no one asked us for names of those other children that I suspected could have been victimized. Guess that means that they are not even remotely interested in the possibility.

I like to think that if the offending child had blamed someone else, that they would have questioned my DD as to whether she had ever had contacted with another child in this manner.

I worked for 10 years as a Crime Victim Advocate in another state. I KNOW that this is being handled shabbily and with less enthusiasm than a root canal. Thats one of the reasons that I am sooo frustrated. I know what should be and could be being accomplished and no one is even lifting a finger. I have assisted hundreds of families through this type of situation and now when I need help....nada. nothing. Somedays I just want to crawl under a rock and not come out...
Believe it or not....that is the ONE question that they did seem interested in. At the initial interview, when I stepped in as the interviewer when the poor street cop who drew the short straw to interview us, couldnt say the word 'sex', I made sure to ask how old the people in the videos were. She stated that it was only adults. I also asked her if they had ever video taped themselves or used the video cam on the pc and DD stated that they had not.

The FBI only takes on child pornography, not children viewing adult pornography. The State Child Abuse Hotline is supposed to handle that but they declined my report so that closed that door with a SLAM!

I get so tired of dead ends...
I know this is s stretch, but have you looked into state laws? in our state the statute clearly reads that "anyone causing a child to view sexual activity or pornography" is prosecutable under sexual assault laws.
i find the whole situation reprehensible.
Unfortunately, its really hard for a prosecutor to do their job if law enforcement won't do theirs. Lots of times when there is a 'gray' area in the law or a 'gap' as it appears in this case, law enforcement tends to look for reasons NOT to do their jobs - just because it would be too hard or complicated to get a conviction. It doesnt matter what the statutes say if no one is willing to arrest or prosecute and unfortunately it happens quite often.

My heart absolutely breaks for this family.
We think alike! I even told anyone who would listen that I suspected that there may be other victims due to the way the situation was playing out...them packing up and leaving, changing schools etc.
Here, the elementary schools end at 5th grade. Then they move to middle school. So, it makes no sense that they would move thier child for 5 months to a new school and then have to have her change again to a middle school. But, no one asked us for names of those other children that I suspected could have been victimized. Guess that means that they are not even remotely interested in the possibility.

I like to think that if the offending child had blamed someone else, that they would have questioned my DD as to whether she had ever had contacted with another child in this manner.

I worked for 10 years as a Crime Victim Advocate in another state. I KNOW that this is being handled shabbily and with less enthusiasm than a root canal. Thats one of the reasons that I am sooo frustrated. I know what should be and could be being accomplished and no one is even lifting a finger. I have assisted hundreds of families through this type of situation and now when I need help....nada. nothing. Somedays I just want to crawl under a rock and not come out...

I just had a thought; Put an ad in the local newspaper asking if anyone's child who lived in the area the neighbors just moved from had been inappropriately touched or molested by A CHILD IN THAT NEIGHBORHOOD. State that your purpose is to stop a molester who is a child from claiming another victim. Do not put your name and have the responses reply to a P.O. Box. Even if you do not received a response, it will put the town on notice. And, send a copy of the ad to your state legislators with a letter asking them to please help you.

It might help; I understand your feeling of helplessness.
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Well, I wont be reporting them for animal negligence...

Apparently the horse keeper next to her felt sorry for the poor beasts and they are now grazing away in his lovely green pastures.

Why? Why? Why do some people always end up smelling like a rose even when they are knee deep in ______?

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