didn't want my treats...

That doesn't mean they won't like them later. It's just new. New stuff scares them.

Try new things and leave it there for awhile and leave them alone to figure it out. Come back later and most times it's gone, and if it's not and it's been there too long to be safe (like sitting for hours, in the sun) take it away.

My first batch of chicks loved carrot tops. This batch I scrambled eggs and they devoured it. My older girls at 4 months would devour a green cabbage - the red one went untouched for a day. They wouldn't go near it.

Now I usually use the same exact treat bowl so if they see me putting stuff inside of it they know it's food so they feel better about it... sometimes they pick at it and leave it, but if I leave them alone and go out later it's usually empty.

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