I'm new to raising chickens. I have 3 10week old pullets. I always have plenty of chick feed and fresh water for them in the coop, and they'll eat the feed in the morning and at night but they rarely go back to the coop to eat during the day. I keep a couple dishes of water out in a shady spot in the yard for them. They have the run of the yard during the day and eat whatever they like that they find, clover, my green bean plant's leaves , and a ton of bugs. I heard eating a bunch of bugs is a good way for them to get worms. I read carrots and garlic can help prevent worms so I grated a clove of garlic, a small carrot, and some watermelon (they love watermelon). They had a really funny reaction and would wipe their beak after a bite but each went back for a couple more bites. I'm thinking they're not a fan of garlic.
Do any experienced chicken raisers have any diet advice for preventing worms? I keep their coop clean and we live in California so my yard is pretty dry, so really looking for diet advice? Thanks!
Do any experienced chicken raisers have any diet advice for preventing worms? I keep their coop clean and we live in California so my yard is pretty dry, so really looking for diet advice? Thanks!