diff. between marans and barred rocks


11 Years
Nov 25, 2009
Whats the difference between marans and barred rocks? The combs looks the same. Is it the feathered feet? I saw some marans with out the feathered feet though but they were still called marans! idk
I assume you mean Cuckoo Marans.

Marans have white feet, and if they are from the French lines are feathered. British Marans are clean legged, I believe. Barred Rocks should have yellow legs, but often have some dark on them, especially from hatcheries.

The Cuckoo pattern is a little muddier than the more defined black and white stripes on a Barred Rock.

Egg color is also different with Marans laying a dark chocolate brown egg, and Barred Rocks laying a light brown egg.

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