Diffences Between EEs, Ameraucanas, and Araucanas

I thought Ameraucanas laid a blue or blue green egg. Is that not correct?
Yes, everything I've read says Ameraucanas lay blue eggs, not green. Green eggs indicate a mutt bird, commonly referred to as an Easter Egger. That being said, at least 98% of the "blue" eggs that I've seen from "purebred" Ameraucanas look mighty green to me.
ees tend to have green legs but can have any leg color. They also can be muff/bearded or not. Ameracanas come in only certain show-able colors, ees are a bag of skittles.

Does anyone know if the lavender "ameracanas" are show-able yet or are they still technically ees??
ees tend to have green legs but can have any leg color. They also can be muff/bearded or not. Ameracanas come in only certain show-able colors, ees are a bag of skittles.

Does anyone know if the lavender "ameracanas" are show-able yet or are they still technically ees??
Lavender is still non-showable.

And by the way, a breeder of Araucana's told me that some (Araucana) are still laying a greenish tint to thier eggs. Then to add my own opinion a lot of the color perception is in the eye of the beholder. I have EE's and some of them lay a egg that is on the blusey side.
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I have a Wheaton Ameraucana and mixed Easter Egger pullets who all lay pretty shades of blue, but this Ameraucana eggshell is a more saturated shade of blue.

I would be interested to know if my Ameraucana is homozygous for the blue egg shell color and if that is the main difference compared to the EE's, which are likely heterozygous, or if there is another factor? I gather any greenish tint is contributed by a shade of brown.

I also have Cream Legbars, waiting for them to start laying and then compare as well.
Tin Tin I have seen a few and they remind me of a silkie cross, very pretty

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