Difference between Roosters and Cockrels?

Roosters are full grown male chickens. They are considered full grown at about 1 year, I believe...

Cockerels are young roosters. Usually over 4 weeks old, but if you know the sex of the chicks they could really be considered cockerels or pullets (respectively).

It's like the difference between pullets and hens. Except pullets can be considered hens after 6 months.

~~Ms.B :)

ETA: Some larger breeds (such as Jersey Giants and Orpingtons) take longer to reach full size. So they might be considered full grown later, like one year. I read somewhere else that some people consider the chicken's first molt to be the "turning point" from cockerel/pullet to rooster/hen.
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Where are you? I have cockerels that need to go. At least six. All different ages, the oldest two will be one in April.............but I'm in Kansas....

well i dont think your going to like this but im in Australia
, Ive tried to get cockerels on this site before but im so far away from everyone.
I think Rooster is an American word.

In the UK all make chickens are called cockerels. We don't use the word Rooster.

That's really odd. I am an Aussie transplant now living in the US but kept chooks all my life even living in Australia and we always called them roosters there. I have some English friends here and they call them roosters too, even though I never hear them using much in the way of American lingo.

To the OP, I wouldn't change the classifieds except to ADD the word cockerel. Since most people think of a male chicken as a rooster, you might get more responses by leaving that word in, and just specify "young male rooster or cockerel" or something like that.

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