**Digging my way to the coop. GOT SNOW?**

Do you shovel for your chickens?

  • Yes, of course!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Um, no. It'll melt & they can play charades until then.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sometimes, depends how deep it is.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • It doesn't snow where I live. (lucky you!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I live in Southern NH & I have to snowblow a path to our coop everytime it snows. We have HIGH snow banks out to the coop so my 5 ducks & 4 chickens can "walk the path" when I let them out. They like to gather underneath our porch where the dryer vent exhausts to keep warm on laundry day!
Good morning!

I'm in a white-out this morning and yes, of course I shovel to the coop! Otherwise I'd be wading. Our snow is about 3 1/2 feet deep. I also shovel out the run for my girls(and sweep their ramp!) and sprinkle hay all over the place. They are quite content to huddle inside, shoulders up, necks down, discussing at length.

We just added 2 Silver Wyandottes to our 3 Buff Orps. Very funny to watch the introductions. The SWs are laying up a storm and the BOs have actually started getting into the boxes. Maybe we'll get a BO egg-haven't seen one since August.

Stay cozy, New Englanders! It's only February!
Good morning New England!!! Time to go shovel out the run.....AGAIN! I like snow and all, but man alive. I like to tell myself how much I hate mosquitoes while I am shoveling. It helps.
I do the same tthing. My hens (and even my roo) will absolutely NOT touch the snow and refuse to leave unless I shovel a "maze" for them lol.
they're not afraid to eat it though....
This is what I saw when I looked out my bedroom window this morning.


Just in case you can't tell...yes indeed, my run did collapse under the snow. I knew we were taking our chances not reinforcing that run in the fall but I had knee surgery and just ran out of time before winter hit. Guess it could be worse, one of our friend's screened in porch also collapsed last night.
We got hit with snow early this year and got a lot of it fast, 12" the first snowfall, and 16" just a few days later. For us, that is a lot in December, and we have gotten more since too. Anyway, we go out and cut a path to the coop and ark and then I blow out an area around them so they can get out and stretch their legs. Throwing out some straw for them to scratch in is good exercise for them until it snows again and they need me to bring them more.
They are scared to death to walk on fresh snow, so we have to do something.
I'm in West Central Alabama and we RARELY get any snow. My poor, snow deprived, boys have never seen more than a dusting. The week after Christmas, we got 1/4 inch of sleet ....... does that count? HaHaHa My chickens went straight out on it and the guineas ran out the door and skidded to a stop. They were silent for about 20 seconds with their heads run out in front of them and swaying back and forth. Once they got over the shock, they SCREAMED at it for about and hour! LOL My boys bundled up and went out to play in the mud! It's pitiful, really...
We're in Middle, TN near Nashville. I've lived here 21 years and don't remember this much snow, and it's not near what some of you are getting! Yesterday's snow was that wet, sticky kind. It built up on top of all of the chicken pens, and that's chicken wire over the top - you know, BIG holes that snow should fall through! The wire is saging, but so far it's holding up. It's supposed to be 50 and sunny today, so hopefully it will all melt rather than come crashing in.

DH has been keeping a path clear from the back door to the coops and when we let the girls and boys out, they stay on the path! They don't like getting their little chicken tootsies in the snow.


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