**Digging my way to the coop. GOT SNOW?**

Do you shovel for your chickens?

  • Yes, of course!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Um, no. It'll melt & they can play charades until then.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sometimes, depends how deep it is.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • It doesn't snow where I live. (lucky you!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
AWESOME pics! Love the dog photo!!!

Thanks, that's Gracie - she's the only one here who didn't have one bad thought about the snow - she LOVES it!

Silly puppy, snow is for LOOKING at from afar (preferably next to a toasty warm fire!).
Absolutely beautiful snow but brrrrrrrr! We missed out on the snow here. I thought we might get a dusting of it but nothing! nodda! It is very cold here for us though 19 today. My animals don't know what to think about it. I've got 3 dogs, 13 puppies and 5 cats all cooped up in my house. My chickens seem ok...some are coming outside for a few minutes...others are staying inside the chicken coop. Those crazy 2 ducks I got for Christmas broke the ice in their pool and went for a swim. brrrrrr! I would love a little snow though...for a day or 2.
Still snowing hard here, and now the wind is picking up. We have about 14" so far. Chickens given option to go out in their run but they chose to stay inside. DH just got done snowblowing the driveway, walkway and chicken paths.
The pain relief manufacturers love the snow! So-o-o good for business. We have had snow on the ground since the first week in Dec. Before last winter it was much later, like Jan. or Feb. when we would receive most of our snow. Global warming I guess! While we don't have 2' on the ground the wind howls on top this mountain and as quickly as I shovel a path to the barn and coop it all piles right back up. My chickens hate to get out in it so are content on me providing snacks and warm water to them on a regular basis. Guess they find their own way to amuse themselves... Happy shoveling everyone!
You northern BYC'ers have the volume but snow and ice are more of a headache down south. We almost never get this much precip.

Just 6" worth so I didn't have to shovel. The girls were quite comfy though!
Now y'all know how we feel in July and August.

So happy we don't get any snow here... unless Laree is taking pics of those fluffy cotton ball things we got a few weeks ago.
I'm in Ct too.....we got 24+ inches. It took me a good hour to shovel a path to the coop and then to the run and then the run itself...phew...my poor back. Once I threw some hay in the run the girls finally ventured out for a while at least until the wind started blowing more snow in the run. Then another four hours with 4 of us and a cranky snowblower just to clear the driveway. Advil here I come.
My son spent two hours on the coop run roof and attached woodshed clearing the snow off it as it was actually bowing with the weight. Yikes!

I just registered today on BYC but have been reading on here for more than a year. The great ideas and advice have been invaluable for our chicken adventure.....Thank you!!
Hey, welcome to BYC!! Where are you in CT? Advil is barely taking the edge off all of tonight's aches and pains from snow removal today, tomorrow doesn't seem to promising if I'm a hurtin' unit tonight!
You'll love it here on BYC, welcome aboard!

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