Diltiazem/Cardizem question...

Camelot Farms

10 Years
Jun 5, 2009
VA,TN,NC Tri-State area
Ive been on Tenormin for 6 years for an irregular heart beat. Recently it stopped being effective and I would have periods of 140 beat/per minutes rates.

Yesterday I went to my PCP and she prescribed Diltiazem. Told me to start taking it immediately and stop the Tenormin.

I took a dose last night, one this morning and one just about an hour ago. I feel like crud!

Heart rate goes from 70 and regular to 80 and irregular, 120 for a while.

I feel wiped out.

Anyone with experience with Diltiazem/Cardizem?
I don't quite trust ordinary doctors. It's a long story. My first line of defense against anything is to find out what's natural that works. Find yourself a natropathic doctor. ND. I feel that is much safer.
I'm an RN...it may take awhile to get regulated. Do you have any way to check your blood pressure? It may be going too low. Try to recline with your feet up and see if that helps, it may take a few days to normalize and if you still feel like "crud" or your HR and/or BP are not stable, talk to your doc.
I dont have a way to check it...

I ended up just sitting real still for about an hour and the feeling finally went away. Its like running a marathon and never moving a muscle.

I took the evening dose about 30 mins ago and am hoping for an un-eventful evening.

My BP tends to run on the low end of low. This is how the doc usually describes it.

When I lay in bed, it gets worse. If it happens again, I will definitely try the recliner.

Thanks all for the info. I dont feel quite so panicked at the moment.
Kim, have they ever talked about a pacemaker to regulate your heartbeat or do they just want to continue using the meds ? My mom used to be on cardizem and it would take her a good week for her system to get used to the switch.
Hoosiermama...they havent yet mentioned a pacemaker. I think that they are hoping to use meds as long as possible.

Thanks for the info on your mom. I dont feel alone now. I just thought that something was wrong when the new med didnt work right away.

I get anxious when I can feel my rate flex and when the rhythym is off, that of course makes it worse...silly me.
Yup yup,

also a RN checking in here. Tenormin is a beta blocker and generally regulates heart rate but has some blood pressure lowering abilities. If it loses efficacy the Doc will change it. Cardizem is a calcium channel blocker and acts in a completely different manner. It will take a few days, maybe even up to 2 weeks to normalize and optimize your BP and HR. See if you can't pick up a BP machine at a store, check it when you are feeling weird. Let your Doc know what's going on. Best of luck , hang in there,, sometimes meds have to be changed multiple times til you find what works for you.

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