Dirty, swollen butt.

All chickens have some worms since they peck in the dirt. Most tolerate some worms, but in a sick or immune-deficient chicken, the worms may be too many or a more harmful type, that it can harm their intestines and prevent their making use of nutrients. Her problem may not be worms, but it is one of the possible problems to rule out.
I have a chicken who in the past few days has been standing very upright with her tail feathers dragging the ground. She reminds me of a Penguin. Her butt is a little dirty, but her belly isn't swollen. We just had to put a girl down due to her getting really big in her belly area to the point that she could hardly walk. She was old and quite laying about a year ago. I chalked it up to inner laying. I'm not sure though. She gained weight really fast. Anyways now this girl is doing somewhat the same but without the weight gain. I'm not sure what to do. I soak them and clean them up when this happens and most of the time they recover. This girl is maybe 2 years old. She is slowly getting around but is eating and drinking well. Any suggestions?
You should start a separate thread about your hens issue (which sounds by your description of penguin walking, as though she may be egg bound.)
That way treatment suggestions will not get confused between you and the original thread starter.

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