kim buckthorp

6 Years
Feb 12, 2013
I have six duck eggs in my incubator. All was going well with movements and heartbeats. Over the last few days the movement has got slower but today disaster struck. My toddler got into the incubator and fiddled with the temp. When I went back to the eggs they were baking at 50degrees. I am unsure how long they were like this for but I can't see any movement in the eggs. My question is are they able to survive this temp or is it probable that they have died. Please help.
Oh no, that sounds awful.

I hope some hatch okay. Please update us to let us know how they are.
Sorry to hear it . I chicken eggs when the inc blew a breaker . They were way down in temp as well when i found it and i still got about 80% hatch rate so there should deffinately be a chance. hope for the best.
I was talking about what to do if your incubator lost power today and mine did. It wasn't out for long, and the bulb just got loose. was funny though. eggs are resilient so give it a try.
After the disaster with the temp I am worried. Am not far off lock down but should I still be able to see a heart beat and movement as I don't?!!
If you are saying you have 6 days to go before they hatch, the low temperature (50 degrees) won't hurt them at al. That close to hatching, the chicks/ducks produce some heat themselves. BUT, I'd stop checking to see if they are still alive - leave them alone (probably not what you wanted to hear). More chicks are killed by people "playing" with them. I've never seen a Hen with a light checking an egg or holding it up to her ear to hear a heart beat.
The temp was of low it was high it was at 50 degrees celsius not Fahrenheit so I was concerned that we cooked them not chilled.:/
How unfortunate, its always a good thing to keep the bators high from the kidyos! I learned the lesson well! Good Luck and keep in touch!

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