disinfect a chicken coop?


9 Years
Jan 23, 2011
We are getting a friend's coop. I am guesing I should disinfect it before putting my chickens in it but don't know how to go about doing that. Suggestions, tips, advice, brownies?
Probably spraying it down with a dilute bleach solution will do it. Or you could paint it. Oxine is the premier disinfectant, evidently, but it is a bit pricey.
whenever i have to completely clean a coop (kill everything that may be living in it) i use a hand pump pesticide sprayer with a strong diluted bleach solution, spray everything down and seal the house up really tight for a few hours so the bleach will permeate into everything. Open it back up and let it dry, ounce it is completely dry the bleach is 100% safe. Just a word of advice, be careful with bleach, a while ago when i was trying to eradicate some leg mites i had way too much exposure and ended up with chemical burns on my hands, temporary breathing issues and some eye issues. Just be careful with raw bleach and you'll be fine.

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