Distemper virus

We are trying our best to find the vaccines we have called multiple vets. I'm in pakistan rn and vets in pakistan are not very helpful but also not expensive. People here choose to put the animal down instead of taking them to the vet cuz they are costly but we will try.
Ahh I see. Sorry, I had no idea it wasn't as readily available there. I hope your pups get better soon! I'm so used to being in Florida where people just choose not to do it because they don't care about their animals. :hugs
Usually dogs having neurological symptoms don't recover, so sorry. I hope you can find a veterinarian who does vaccinate dogs against distemper, for your future pets. This is so sad...
I did manage to find the dhpp vaccine and used it on my other dogs which are far away from the pup so I think he will be okay and forced my friends to use them too. Distemper and parvo are no joke
Usually dogs having neurological symptoms don't recover, so sorry. I hope you can find a veterinarian who does vaccinate dogs against distemper, for your future pets. This is so sad...
Ive had many of my pets die my rabbit my peacocks but this one is the hardest she is still alive but there is no hope. I've never lost a dog this way. Seeing her like this is very heartbreaking. Everyone should vaccinate their dogs for distemper. The vet said that this infection is uncommon in puppies so the mom probably got it during her pregnancy or before her pregnancy.

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