Dixie Chicks

Well, got a call from SandHill, I'm at work wife talked to them. Chicks will be here Thursday morning. Kind of. The ones I wanted the most, the white j giants, ordered the max 10, will be getting 12. No langshans, refund on them. I was kinda looking forward to them but they were not the reason I ordered from SH. I asked the wife what they said they would be filling the box with, she said they said just the twelve. I guarantee I get 'packing peanuts'. Their website states they only ship lots of 25. This could be interesting, they have many strange breeds...Maybe they will just send the 12, but I doubt it.
Come on Thursday! Hurry up and get here!
awesdome finally.... can't say I am impressed with their business practice...seems very unreliable

I hope the quality of the birds will by far outway the disadvantages of doing business with them for ya... I look forward to seeing whatcha get and how they grow ect :)
At $5 each plus expensive shipping plus I paid xtra for express I hope they're worth it. Find out Thur I guess... Well, maybe in a year I'll know if they are better then if I'd just got them from a reg hatchery...
I think vent sexing for quail would probably have to happen under a microscope....

but see i've been shown that when you gently squeeze between the vent and tail feathers and white foam comes out it's a male. If very little or nothing comes out it's likely a female. Just wondering how old they have to be for his method.
Well, got a call from SandHill, I'm at work wife talked to them. Chicks will be here Thursday morning. Kind of. The ones I wanted the most, the white j giants, ordered the max 10, will be getting 12. No langshans, refund on them. I was kinda looking forward to them but they were not the reason I ordered from SH. I asked the wife what they said they would be filling the box with, she said they said just the twelve. I guarantee I get 'packing peanuts'. Their website states they only ship lots of 25. This could be interesting, they have many strange breeds...Maybe they will just send the 12, but I doubt it.
Come on Thursday! Hurry up and get here!


Yay!!! About time! :D

We will all be eagerly awaiting chick pics! ;)
ok so some flocks can develope a imunnity to mareks?? so how does that work out you have some contaminated  that survive some tht arent?

Remember how you compared it to HIV? Think it's all similar to how some people never progress to full blown, and some go downhill fast... there isn't any immunity to it (as far as I know) just how each individual handles it and anything else they catch due to lowered immune system...
I think... best to ask seminolewind though for hands on experience...

well I for one am hoping for a hen for ya still @RavynFallen

Gah... love my boys, but danggit I want some duck eggs!! lol
The thingy had my name but was blank, LOL.

Quarantine will Not help. An exposed chicken can live a long healthy life and you would never know.. My flock was all from eggs I hatched except her at the time. The older ones are mostly resistant. I have some that are 7-8 years old. One time I hatched 10 chicks and they all displayed paralysis at 6-10 weeks and were culled. I knew then. (hatched eggs from me or anyone, it does not travel in an egg)

I vaccinate my hatchlings at day 1 , then quarantine them for 3-6 weeks prior to putting them outside.

You can draw blood and send it to Texas A&M Poultry division to test a live bird. I never sacrificed any live birds, just packed a dead one up and sent to a state lab for a necropsy. Out of 5 necropsies, one chicken had died from Marek's tumors.

There are links at the bottom of my posts , one for Nambroth's big Marek's FAQ, this is the most fact filled easy to read piece anyone has put together. Worth reading.
ok so some flocks can develope a imunnity to mareks?? so how does that work out you have some contaminated that survive some tht arent?

not immunity.... they get it but dont get the gross symptoms they can still pass it on No matter if you have one or a hundred once the disease is on your property you have to consider they all have it in one form or another.


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