Dixie Chicks

gawd no sorry  done forgot all my possum keeping knowledge ............catfood might work that seems to ring a bell..

Duh... I just had one of those moments, lol... Thanx, Jem... I was trying to figure out how to get cat food to stick to the lever (we only feed ours dry food), and it finally clicked... canned cat food... I'll get some tomorrow to try...
Good morning! Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

DH and little girl had a good time at the dance
We have not got hit by the blizzard they have been calling for-yet.

I have been busy putting together a prepper list for my pantry. We used most all we had last year with the electric and water outage for a week. Just found out this morning that Hard cheeses encased well in wax can last 25 years! But they say it is hard to find. Pretty sure Jungle Jim's or Trader Joe's will have it.

Getting ready for work. Last day of my 7 day stretch!

@BriardChickens , How's it going? Gas prices went up a bit here and I resisted the urge to complain-- thinking of you
. Have a good day.
Good morning! Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

DH and little girl had a good time at the dance
We have not got hit by the blizzard they have been calling for-yet.

I have been busy putting together a prepper list for my pantry. We used most all we had last year with the electric and water outage for a week. Just found out this morning that Hard cheeses encased well in wax can last 25 years! But they say it is hard to find. Pretty sure Jungle Jim's or Trader Joe's will have it.

Getting ready for work. Last day of my 7 day stretch!

@BriardChickens , How's it going? Gas prices went up a bit here and I resisted the urge to complain-- thinking of you
. Have a good day.
are you going to wax preserve them yourself?
If I can't find any, I will. Have you ever seen people preserve eggs with mineral oil? They say they will last 6 months if coated with mineral oil. I am too afraid to try that!
And I figure why should I? I get fresh eggs everyday as long as I have my hens!
Yes! And I was able to email & text some to my friends and family, but the computer is not letting me upload to BYC. ? I will try later. Off to work
If I can't find any, I will.  Have you ever seen people preserve eggs with mineral oil?  They say they will last 6 months if coated with mineral oil.  I am too afraid to try that!  :sick   And I figure why should I?  I get fresh eggs everyday as long as I have my hens!

I do the mineral oil on mine if I wash them. To wash I take running water just ever so slightly warmer then room temp scrub them and dry them on a towel, then use finger tips dipped in mineral oil to put a very thin coat on them, then roll them gently in the palm of my hand to even everything out and to remove excess, then they go in the fridge. It's such an easy process my girls (14,15) do all the work on the eggs and I let them have the money.

The customers I have love them done that way. They are clean clean clean and have a great just shine to them.

My eggs come out of the coop pretty clean but where I work and sell the eggs is a really upscale community ( so they think anyway).These are the people after I started doing the mineral oil trick that will pay $5 a dozen and talk about what a great deal it is.

To all the people I give eggs to, they get the same treatment for free lol. Makes me feel a little like a modern day Robin Hood.
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