Dixie Chicks

good, on the good news  not the incubator problems.... thats nerve wracking I hope it isnt and your just worrying needlessly...........do you have back up and OMG thats ALOT of eggs

My backup is in Alaska, lol... ;) No, my backup is my hatcher and it has OEGB's popping out like popcorn right now... If they are done hatching in morn, I can move eggs over, and have 2 Genesis hovabators, but not all those eggs will fit in them, lol...

so the red brooder light was twice as much as the clear bulb......I got it but I was sitting there wondering for a bit of red on the glass they charging twice as muh what a rip

Supply and demand, my dear... :D most want red light instead of clear to keep picking down and it doesn't mess with the circadian rhythm as much too...
Quote: I have a single Icelandic cock, Audun, who will be 5 the end of this month, 13 Icelandic hens or pullets ranging in age from 5 1/2 months (she is laying) to almost 5 years old), one almost two year old Araucana hen and two almost 2 year old German Line New Hampshire hens for a total of 17........at the moment.

Then I have 17 Icelandic eggs, a dozen "organic free range" brown eggs (experimenting to see if anything is fertile) and two silkie eggs going for the Easter Hatchalong. I candle on day 10 and will know then if the Trader Joe free range hens have access to a rooster and if my five year old Icelandic is able to cover 16 hens with any regularity.

My hens don't hide nests too much so no surprise chicks. I do a head count each night so missing ones are found. They free range but know the barn/coop is safety so are good about returning there and laying their eggs there. A couple will try to nest on "the wrong side", meaning the side partitioned for storage and my DH's work area that has a "cat door" open during the day. They don't like to sit in that side since the barn cats call that side home. The cats, three rescues, have learned to leave the chickens alone but I still don't trust them around newly hatched chicks. I separate my broodies
into a couple of broody coops when they start to sit. I don't have to worry about the rest of the flock laying in their nests and the chicks are safe from nosy cats until they get mobile and learn momma's commands. I used to let my hens sit on 10-12 eggs but now they get three. I don't want to increase my flock size but I raise some Icelandics each year to have available for those near me that might want to start their own flock to help preserve them. Four of the 17 in the incubator (that will get moved to broodies when they start
) are from a friend that got her start from me.

@JW12 It is good to have you back. Sorry to hear you lost your flock but congrats on the new start.

Spring is here! The red-winged blackbirds have arrived and I love hearing them and all the other birds in the morning. We might have a snow shower on Monday
so I am trying to get some things done outside before then. It shouldn't stick since the ground is warming-up but the thought of it is

Have a great day everyone!
ooh... I should mention, I went to "the big city" today...

of course, I stopped at the feed store there, WOW prices are so much better than back home!  So nice!  I bought a bunch of stuff and only spent 50 bucks! :D

AND, I found out that farm grade nutritional yeast is WAY less expensive than human grade.  :woot so I bought some of that for my chickens, the ones I am hatching eggs from.  Since that was a decent price I didn't even look to see if they had calf manna and the price of that.

happy, happy.

What's it called??? The yeast?
Don't feel to bad about the quail Alaskan, I did the same thing during the NYD hatch a long... No more hatch alongs for me, people all start yapping about lock down, I doubt my ability to count and screw up.... You can customize that apps time lines ya know...

Morning. I think we're going to have to plant a lot of stuff in front of the bunny pen. Once I got the siding up and painted it, it's pretty much looming over our whole back yard. Karin has been all "Noooooooo!" all morning. Even though it was her idea to get the bunny in the first place. I might put a shelf on it and keep some potted tomatoes there, the red color should boost production.

That wet my plants sign was really funny.

Ravyn, are you paying for air fare? And lodging?

Sam, I hope you get a huge harvest. Any tomatoes started yet?

Oh a few... Hundred...

Just discovered this thread

Hello :D
Hey, @Amberjem, am around... Sorry, March has been a bad month... Lotsa crap going on here... Very cute little Southern fuzzlebutts you got there...

Felix, that is an amazing bunny hutch... Could use your building skills over here, lol...

@JW12 very sorry about your coop and chooks... What did you lose? Not a bad winter at all for us, but those 3 weeks sure made up for it... I lost about a half dozen juvies too... If you are still going to Murfreesboro soon, I can hook you up with a bunch of eggs if you want them... Just send me a PM... Oh, btw, Jim brought home 6 EE pullets from TSC too, so don't feel too bad, lol... :)

I will be in Murfreesboro Tuesday and Wednesday next week lol. Don't ask me where cause I don't know. Look up the Hallmark corporate store in a big strip center there and that's where I will be for a district meeting. I think there is a Hampton inn there and that's where we are staying (I think I can't remember). If it isn't too far you and Jim could at least maybe swing by and say hi!

Edited because autocorrect changed Jim to him in the sentence..... Stupid phone
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yeah you should have an avalanche of squash with 120! I learned when I was a kid one or two is moree then enough lol
Isn't the cardinal rule not to plant more than 10 of a prolific grower? Well, that's my mom's rule anyway. LOL

musta been nice to share some enthusasim with someone over your nest box project @tntchix ..did they cutt ya a good deal on the piece?
It was really cool. I thought he was going to be upset about ruining his parent's furniture but he was so excited too.

I hate to admit where I got them lol... I went to the dark side and bought them at TSC.

Our winter wasn't bad at all like a lot of people's. All of the damage around here happened in a 3 week span of time. Before that we didn't even have that cold of a winter. Then 3/4's to 1 1/2 inches of ice just tore everything up. Then snow right after on top of the ice. Then a melt for a couple days followed by almost a foot of snow. It was just crazy how it all hit in that 3 week period.
I went to the dark side too. I forgive you if you forgive me? Sorry for the loss of your flock.

hiya to all the missing peeps!

Good to see ya back!

They just get cuter every time.

Just discovered this thread
You're gonna love it here.

Isn't the cardinal rule not to plant more than 10 of a prolific grower? Well, that's my mom's rule anyway. LOL

It was really cool. I thought he was going to be upset about ruining his parent's furniture but he was so excited too.

I went to the dark side too. I forgive you if you forgive me? Sorry for the loss of your flock.


They just get cuter every time.

You're gonna love it here.
heheh the buff brahma's I only showed one pci of that before and the slw I hadnt ever shown a p[ic of I kept forgetting to get there pic lol

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