Dixie Chicks

I've got some dumb chickens. They are scared of snow, had to save the dumb 'dead' chickens the day I kicked them out in it.
I hung a head of cabbage about a foot from the floor yesterday. They never touched it. I folded a couple leaves down and threw them some pieces this morning, they gobbled up the pieces. Went back out this afternoon and they still haven't touched it, dumb chickens are scared of it.
I soo cant believe you didnt get pictures of that that woulda been a million dollar picture LOL
Pfft, it's your ONLY favorite.


I've got some dumb chickens. They are scared of snow, had to save the dumb 'dead' chickens the day I kicked them out in it.
I hung a head of cabbage about a foot from the floor yesterday. They never touched it. I folded a couple leaves down and threw them some pieces this morning, they gobbled up the pieces. Went back out this afternoon and they still haven't touched it, dumb chickens are scared of it.

ohh wyandottes fun! ohh pictures yeah

ok I was thinking you might have a chicken addiction when you have more then a few totes of chicks ......
I poked a hole threw it with a tire iron ran a rope thew it and hung from rafters. Cabbage is on sale now, it was a dollar for a big head. It did split a little so I ran the rope around it to help keep it together.
I was going to take pics of them pecking it, waited and waited, pic of them cowering in the corner isn't a good pic.
only cuz I realized three totes of chicks was alot in my greenhouse lol

think it took my chickens like 4 days before they would go anywhere NEAR the new feeder........chickens are really chicken! unless meal worms are involved..then all bets are off!
I poked a hole threw it with a tire iron ran a rope thew it and hung from rafters. Cabbage is on sale now, it was a dollar for a big head. It did split a little so I ran the rope around it to help keep it together.
I was going to take pics of them pecking it, waited and waited, pic of them cowering in the corner isn't a good pic.

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