Dixie Chicks

I have noticed something very interesting in my coop. We have 4 nest boxes. 2x2.

Top left: shavings, upright 2x4 across the front.
Top right: hay, upright 2x4 across the front.
Both bottom boxes, shavings, nothing across the front.

I find on average 1 out of 5 eggs in the top left box. I get 4-5 eggs in the top right box. I'd say it's save to say my ladies prefer to lay eggs into the hay.

to be scientific... swap the nest bedding around this week. See what that does... otherwise, who is to say that they are picking the top right box because of the location???
to be scientific... swap the nest bedding around this week. See what that does... otherwise, who is to say that they are picking the top right box because of the location???
I shall do that! 4 day weekend starting Thursday, lots of time for games
Sad.... what kind of eggs?

Well another person was looking for the same eggs I am looking for. I also posted to that same thread. Duck eggs take soooo long to hatch I'd need to set them this Thursday so they'd hatch during my next days off work.

Naked Neck although now I'm not saying they'll all be Naked Necked. Have found out that my NN's aren't pure for the NaNa gene.
I think I've of my roosters is though, currently have him with some EE's to see if all his babies turn out naked necked. I think I read that if he is pure for it all his babies will be. Checking things out.
to be scientific...  swap the nest bedding around this week.  See what that does... otherwise, who is to say that they are picking the top right box because of the location???

:thumbsup  I shall do that! 4 day weekend starting Thursday, lots of time for games

I have four nest boxes for eight hens. They only were laying in one of them. When the GL Polish started laying she laid in a different box, a couple followed, now I get eggs in two boxes.
That's a good test though, would be interesting to see if it is location or the bedding.
I have four nest boxes for eight hens. They only were laying in one of them. When the GL Polish started laying she laid in a different box, a couple followed, now I get eggs in two boxes.
That's a good test though, would be interesting to see if it is location or the bedding.
Same here Beer can. 8 hens, 4 boxes. I've had an occasional egg in the bottom left box, but really the chickens don't seem to like the bottom boxes. Any bedding just gets kicked out
chickens.. beer or wine?

I guess it depends on if you are cooking French or Hill Billy.

You need wine for lots of those fancy French chicken recipes.

But then we have Beer Can chicken! Doesn't that fall under Hill Billy food?

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